On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 04:44:35AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: > Dear bug submitter, > > I have reports that an upgrade to the xfree86 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6 resolved this > problem. > > Can you confirm this?
I performed the same set of tests as for the previous version and I have come up with the following results with dfsg.1-6: model layout result ---------------------- pc10104 ukgb e/c work; pound-sterling sign doesn't; errors to output pc104 ukgb e/c work; pound-sterling sign doesn't; errors to output pc104 uk e/c work; pound-sterling sign doesn't; errors to output pc104 gb works Please note that the pound-sterling problem may be more complex than the key problems I suffered in the original bug posting: I frequently have problems with this symbol anyway, as a consequence of locales, UTF-8 etc. For now I would like to disregard this :) I have made observations with regards the errors reported to output by the X server in a different email for this bug in an attempt to preserve the flow of the thread, for those of us reading the report in a threaded mailer. -- Jonathan Dowland