
I've replied to this message to say I am not satisfied with the closure.
I do not appreciate being called completely bogues.

I beleive my research in the origional message and the follow-up stands as that which cannot be disproved. I spent time researhing what I wrote.

The same effect happened to 3 dist-upgraded machines, each which had had woody installed fresh at differing dates.

       John D. Hendrickson



Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
#261854: xlibs: some softlinks not made correctly, installer fails to upgrade,
which was filed against the xlibs package.

It has been closed by one of the developers, namely
Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Their explanation is attached below.  If this explanation is
unsatisfactory and you have not received a better one in a separate
message then please contact the developer, by replying to this email.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at 261854-done) by bugs.debian.org; 28 Jul 2004 16:26:43 +0000
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Jul 28 09:26:42 2004
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Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 02:26:42 +1000
From: Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John D. Hendrickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bug#261854: xlibs: some softlinks not made correctly, installer 
fails to upgrade
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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On Wed, Jul 28, 2004 at 12:01:38PM -0400, John D. Hendrickson wrote:

Two things.  One, xlibs did not install files correctly.  Two, all X pack=


now require a new directory structure (which I hate).  Anyway the install=


does nothing to provide this new directory structure.  I made a script wh=


does this which has done this for me on several machines.
Just did a "dist-upgrade" to sarge
for libs I had xlib's /usr/lib/libXft.so and a couple others in /usr/lib
These are xlibs, not usr libs, they shouldn't even have links into /usr/l=


After remaking the links the installer goofed, it worked.  Somehow the
installer doesn't take into account the present / previous state when mak=


its links.
I found the ONLY reason libXft need to be in /usr/lib is due to gtk.  Whi=


all else of gnome correctly uses X11R6/lib, gtk uses /usr/lib, oddly.  Fix
that and you fix allot of confusion.  The ./configure for gtk is just flat
wrong.  And using ./configure --prefix=3DPATH won't help - becuase it is =


wrong - a goof up.

/usr/X11R6 is being moved away from by upstream and everyone else sane
because it's beyond a joke nowadays. Many things -- not just Xft;
fontconfig, Xcursor, Xrender, et al -- are in /usr/lib now. You haven't
been near specific enough. What failed? What 'goofed'? Which installer
were you using? Did you do a complete dist-upgrade? If so, why is your
xlibs package still at 4.1.0-16, which is the woody version?

Closing this bug report as utterly bogus and invalid unless submitter
provides a compelling rationale otherwise.

Daniel Stone                                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian: the universal operating system                     http://www.debia=

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