On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 11:57:42AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 02:47:46PM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:
> > Actualy, my k*BSD.cf files only contain kernel stuff. The Glibc-based
> > GNU/k*BSD ports use gnu.cf directly (as Glibc systems this works fine).
> > 
> > Now that Michael has overhauled gnu.cf, my idea is to merge the (minor) 
> > k*BSD
> > bits into a conditionalised section in gnu.cf, together with a bunch of
> > conditionalised sections copied from linux.cf. This way we can get all
> > Glibc-based ports to use the same base configuration.
> > 
> > As for non-Glibc ports, we will have to split the Debian bits out of gnu.cf
> > into, say, debian.cf. Then both gnu.cf and NetBSD.cf can use that.
> > 
> > What do you people think?
> I say do what you like, but keep in mind 1) that we no longer really have a
> relationship with XFree86 upstream, at least when it comes to Imakefiles
> and 2) no one other than XFree86 appears to be interested in retraining
> Imake as a build system.
> In other words, my ordinary caution about major overhauls in this part of
> the tree is not engaged, but please don't spend time engineering a solution
> for the ages, as the rest of the X community seems pretty interested in
> making sure Imake doesn't live very much longer.
> (Of course, it often happens that deprecating things doesn't always
> actually make them go away...)

Agreed in general. Depending on how my work life goes and a few other
things, I may not get around to doing serious revamping of the NetBSD
branch until we've started to move to a saner build system anyway... but,
on the whole, I think that splitting debian.cf from gnu.cf from linux.cf
from NetBSD.cf is probably sane (albeit the latter may end up named
something else just because it shares *almost* nothing with NetBSD-native
configs; the NetBSD kernel stuff just ain't that exciting, and it still has
a GNU userland, just not a GNU libc).
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        ,''`.
Debian GNU/kNetBSD(i386) porter                                      : :' :
                                                                     `. `'
http://nienna.lightbearer.com/                                         `-

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