
I've brought the hurd-i386 port of xfree86 back on track. The hurd port
had some 4.1 packages and later on some 4.3.0-0pre1 or something
packages from before the xlibs-split. Both of them were not available on
ftp.debian.org due to extra hacking required.

Initially, I took the xfree86-4.3.0.dfsg.1-4 source package and the
k*BSD patch from
http://glibc-bsd.alioth.debian.org/patches/xfree86_4.3.0.dfsg.1-4.diff I
needed to tweak a couple of .install files to .install.hurd-i386 and fix
a parse error in xc/programs/xterm/xterm_io.h or similar introduced in
the k*BSD patch but that was it. The resulting packages are up at the
ftp.gnuab.org repository and they work well on my Radeon7500 with the
ati driver.

However, the k*BSD patches are pretty big and Robert Millan apparently
wants to get them applied upstream, which seems works quite well. On the
other hand, the hurd-i386 needs updated xfree86 packages on
ftp.debian.org ASAP to continue the development effort. Thus, I've just
updated the 80* series of patches to make xfree86 build and install on
hurd-i386. The attached file xfree86_gnu_patches.diff contains those.

In order to have a clear look at the differences between linux.cf and
gnu.cf, I shuffled gnu.cf around and reformatted some parts, in order to
sync the two and make the diff somewhat easy to read. The main questions
are the following defines, which were missing in gnu.cf (diff from
linux.cf to gnu.cf):

-#  define StaticNeedsPicForShared      NO
-#  define KernelVersionInBanner        YES

Should we have those? What is the default for the first? I did not add
them for now.

-#  define BuildRenderLibrary           NO
-#  define HasRenderLibrary             YES
-#  define BuildXcursorLibrary          NO
-#  define HasXcursorLibrary            YES

-#ifndef HasLibpng
-#define HasLibpng                      YES
-#ifndef HasGroff
-#define HasGroff                       YES

As hurd-i386 has those libraries/programs now, I added those.

-#   define FontLibSharedFreeType       NO

This one causes a build failure even with the current trunk, as
xc/lib/font/libXFont apparently does not get built on Linux and
xc/lib/font/Freetype/fcfuncs.c needs to be updated for current
libfreetype6. I added the #define to gnu.cf as well, is that reasonable?

The addition of the xcursor stuff and the definition of Groff resulted
in a changed MANIFEST.hurd-i386, which I updated. 

Those changes are attached in xfree86_hurd-i386.diff. Please tell me
whether the changes are good or whether I should proceed differently. I
tested them against subversion trunk (revision 1623) as well as revision
-6 of 4.3.0.dfsg.1 and they applied (after a bit of fussing around) and
worked (as in built and ran) fine. However, I did no test build on
GNU/Linux, so if you feel this is required let me know. I doubt it
should break something, though.

It would be nice if hurd-i386 could be back on line with the next


diff -Naur debian.orig/MANIFEST.hurd-i386 debian/MANIFEST.hurd-i386
--- debian.orig/MANIFEST.hurd-i386      2004-07-11 19:38:16.000000000 +0200
+++ debian/MANIFEST.hurd-i386   2004-07-11 19:38:30.000000000 +0200
@@ -505,6 +505,7 @@
@@ -1193,6 +1194,49 @@
@@ -5591,6 +5635,131 @@
@@ -6038,6 +6207,7 @@
diff -Naur debian.orig/patches/800_gnu_config.diff 
--- debian.orig/patches/800_gnu_config.diff     2004-07-11 19:38:16.000000000 
+++ debian/patches/800_gnu_config.diff  2004-07-11 19:38:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -8,81 +8,311 @@
 Robert Millan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and
 Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
---- xc/config/cf/gnu.cf.orig   Fri Aug 24 04:16:54 2001
-+++ xc/config/cf/gnu.cf        Sun Apr 13 11:19:47 2003
-@@ -18,6 +18,75 @@
- #endif
- XCOMM operating system:  OSName 
-+#define HasPam                        YES
-+#define PamLibraries          -lpam -rdynamic -ldl
-+#define XFree86Devel          YES
-+#define SystemManDirectory    /usr/share/man
-+#define HasTk                 YES
-+#define TkLibDir              /usr/lib
-+#define TkIncDir              /usr/include
-+#define TkLibName             tk8.3
-+#define XF86SetupUsesStaticTk NO
-+#define HasTcl                        YES
-+#define TclLibDir             /usr/lib
-+#define TclIncDir             /usr/include
-+#define TclLibName            tcl8.3
-+#define XF86SetupUsesStaticTcl        NO
-+#define InstallXinitConfig    YES
-+#define InstallXdmConfig      YES
-+#define InstallFSConfig               YES
-+#define HasXdmAuth            YES
-+#define DebuggableLibraries   YES
-+#define ForceNormalLib                YES
-+#define BuildSpecsDocs                YES
-+#define SpecsDocDirs          CTEXT GL ICCCM X11 Xext Xv i18n xterm
-+#define BuildAllSpecsDocs     YES
-+#define HasLatex              YES
-+/* We build-dep on expat, fontconfig, freetype and Xft. */
-+#define BuildFreetype2Library NO
-+#define HasFreetype2          YES
-+#define Freetype2Dir          /usr
-+#define BuildExpatLibrary            NO
-+#define HasExpat                     YES
-+#define ExpatIncDirStandard          YES
-+#define BuildFontconfigLibrary       NO
-+#define HasFontconfig                        YES
-+#define UseFontconfig                        YES
-+#define FontconfigIncDir             /usr/include/fontconfig
-+#define BuildXftLibrary              NO
-+#define XAppLoadDir           EtcX11Directory/app-defaults
-+#define XFileSearchPathDefault        
+diff -ruN xc-old/config/cf/gnu.cf xc/config/cf/gnu.cf
+--- xc-old/config/cf/gnu.cf    2004-07-11 19:21:19.000000000 +0200
++++ xc/config/cf/gnu.cf        2004-07-11 19:23:24.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,45 +1,152 @@
+ XCOMM platform:  $XFree86: xc/config/cf/gnu.cf,v 1.11 2001/02/28 18:58:49 
dawes Exp $
+ #ifndef OSName
+-#define OSName                        DefaultOSName
++# define OSName                       DefaultOSName
+ #endif
+ #ifndef OSVendor
+-#define OSVendor              /**/
++# define OSVendor             /**/
+ #endif
+ #ifndef OSMajorVersion
+-#define OSMajorVersion                DefaultOSMajorVersion
++# define OSMajorVersion               DefaultOSMajorVersion
+ #endif
+ #ifndef OSMinorVersion
+-#define OSMinorVersion                DefaultOSMinorVersion
++# define OSMinorVersion               DefaultOSMinorVersion
+ #endif
+ #ifndef OSTeenyVersion
+-#define OSTeenyVersion                DefaultOSTeenyVersion
++# define OSTeenyVersion               DefaultOSTeenyVersion
+ #endif
+-XCOMM operating system:  OSName 
+-#define GNUSourceDefines      -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L \
+-                              -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE \
+-                              -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE
++XCOMM operating system:  OSName 
++# define SystemManDirectory   /usr/share/man
++# define HasPam                       YES
++# define HasTk                        YES
++# define TkLibDir             /usr/lib
++# define TkIncDir             /usr/include
++# define TkLibName            tk8.3
++# define XF86SetupUsesStaticTk        NO
++# define HasTcl                       YES
++# define TclLibDir            /usr/lib
++# define TclIncDir            /usr/include
++# define TclLibName           tcl8.3
++# define XF86SetupUsesStaticTcl       NO
++# define XAppLoadDir          EtcX11Directory/app-defaults
++# define XFileSearchPathDefault       
++# define InstallAppDefFiles   YES
 +/* the relative symlink created by this rule causes problems for us */
-+#if InstallAppDefFiles
-+# define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class)                           @@\
++# ifdef InstallAppDefFiles
++#  if InstallAppDefFiles
++#   define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class)                         @@\
-+# define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class)                            @@\
++#  else
++#   define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class)                         @@\
-+#endif /* InstallAppDefFiles */
-+#ifndef BuilderEMailAddr
-+# define BuilderEMailAddr     "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
++#  endif
++# endif /* InstallAppDefFiles */
++# define SharedLibXdmGreet    NO
++# define LinkGLToUsrInclude   NO
++# define LinkGLToUsrLib               NO
++# define SharedLibFont                NO
++# define HasZlib              YES
++# define SharedLibGlu         YES
++# define NormalLibGlu         YES
++# define FSUseSyslog          YES
++# define DebianMaintainer     YES
++# ifdef DebianMaintainer
++#  ifndef XFree86CustomVersion
++#   define XFree86CustomVersion               "Debian"
++#  endif
++#  ifndef BuilderEMailAddr
++#   define BuilderEMailAddr           "debian-x@lists.debian.org"
++#  endif
++#  define XFree86Devel                        YES
++#  define BuildAllSpecsDocs           YES
++#  define InstallXinitConfig          YES
++#  define InstallXdmConfig            YES
++#  define InstallFSConfig             YES
++#  define DebuggableLibraries         YES
++#  define ForceNormalLib              YES
++#  define BuildSpecsDocs              YES
++#  define SpecsDocDirs                        CTEXT GL ICCCM X11 Xext Xv i18n 
++#  define BuildRman                   NO
++#  define BuildHtmlManPages           NO
++#  define ProjectManSuffix            x
++/* The TT/Meltho fonts are all under non-free licenses. */
++#  define BuildTrueTypeFonts          NO
++#  define BuildBethMarduthoFonts      NO
++ * The XFree86 Debian package build-depends on external Expat, Fontconfig,
++ * Freetype, Render, Xcursor, and Xft libraries.
++ */
++#  define BuildExpatLibrary           NO
++#  define HasExpat                    YES
++#  define ExpatIncDirStandard         YES
++#  define BuildFontconfigLibrary      NO
++#  define HasFontconfig                       YES
++#  define UseFontconfig                       YES
++#  define FontconfigIncDir            /usr/include/fontconfig
++#  define BuildFreetype2Library               NO
++#  define HasFreetype2                        YES
++#  define BuildRenderLibrary          NO
++#  define HasRenderLibrary            YES
++#  define BuildXcursorLibrary         NO
++#  define HasXcursorLibrary           YES
++/* Xlib needs to know the available version of Xcursor. */
++#  define SharedXcursorRev            1
++#  define IconDir                     Concat(ProjectRoot,/lib/X11/icons)
++#  define BuildXftLibrary             NO
++#  define HasXftLibrary                       YES
++#  ifdef UseInstalled
++#    define RenderLibraryDir          /usr/X11R6
++#    define XftLibraryDir             /usr/X11R6
++#    define XcursorLibraryDir         /usr
++#  else
++/* for Debian xfree86 build hack */
++#    define RenderLibraryDir          $(TOP)/../../debian/local/exports
++#    define XftLibraryDir             $(TOP)/../../debian/local/exports
++#    define XcursorLibraryDir         $(TOP)/../../debian/local/exports
++#  endif
++ * We want to be sure that the normal XFree86 X server and the debugging X
++ * server use the same FreeType2 library.  We'd *like* it if we could
++ * achieve this by both packages dynamically linking against the system's
++ * FreeType2 library; however, the normal X server package
++ * (xserver-xfree86) *cannot* be built dynamically linked against the
++ * FreeType2 library when the module loader is enabled because of
++ * code/design issues.  Therefore, we encapsulate XFree86's internal "fork"
++ * of the FreeType2 library into *both* xserver-xfree86 and
++ * xserver-xfree86-dbg.  When it becomes possible to build the
++ * module-loading server against an external FreeType2 shared library, we
++ * can drop this define:
++ */
++#   define FontLibSharedFreeType      NO
++#   define HasXdmAuth                 YES
++#   define HasLatex                   YES
++# endif /* DebianMaintainer */
++# define GNUSourceDefines     -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L \
++                              -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE \
++                              -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE
+ XCOMM XXXMB: What about _GNU_SOURCE, see Linux/UseInstalled?
+-#define XawI18nDefines        -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_WCTYPE_H -DNO_WIDEC_H
++# define XawI18nDefines               -DHAS_WCHAR_H -DHAS_WCTYPE_H 
+ XCOMM Enable this when we have pthreads.
+ XCOMM #define HasPosixThreads         YES
+ XCOMM #define ThreadedX               YES
+ XCOMM #define HasThreadSafeAPI        YES
+ XCOMM #define ThreadsLibraries        -lpthread
+ XCOMM #define SystemMTDefines         -D_REENTRANT
+-#define HasDevRandom          YES
+-#define PollDevRandom         YES
+-#ifndef HasLibCrypt
+-#define HasLibCrypt             YES
++# ifndef HasLibCrypt
++#  define HasLibCrypt         YES
++# endif
++ * The Rush extension support.
++ */
+ #ifndef BuildXF86RushExt
+ # define BuildXF86RushExt     YES
+ #endif
+@@ -48,16 +155,13 @@
+ #define GccUsesGas            YES
+ #define UseGas                        YES
+ #define GnuCpp                        YES
+-#define HasDlopen             YES
++#  define HasDlopen           YES
+ #ifndef HasShadowPasswd
+ #  define HasShadowPasswd     YES
+ #endif
+ #define HasPutenv             YES
+ XCOMM Not implemented and will always fail.
+ #define HasShm                        YES
+-#define HasBSD44Sockets               YES
+ #define HasSockets            YES
+ #define HasSnprintf           YES
+ #define HasMkstemp            YES
+@@ -66,6 +170,17 @@
+ #define HasNCurses            YES
+ #endif
++#ifndef HasGroff
++#define HasGroff              YES
-+#define SharedLibXdmGreet     NO
-+#define LinkGLToUsrInclude    NO
-+#define LinkGLToUsrLib                NO
-+#define SharedLibFont         NO
-+#define HasZlib                       YES
-+#define SharedLibGlu          YES
-+#define NormalLibGlu          YES
-+#define BuildRman             NO
-+#define BuildHtmlManPages     NO
-+#define FSUseSyslog           YES
-+#ifndef HasKatmaiSupport
-+# define HasKatmaiSupport     NO
++#ifndef HasLibpng
++#define HasLibpng             YES
-+#define ProjectManSuffix             x
-+#define IconDir               Concat(ProjectRoot,/lib/X11/icons)
-+/* The TT/Meltho fonts are all under non-free licenses. */
-+#  define BuildTrueTypeFonts           NO
-+#  define BuildBethMarduthoFonts       NO
++#define HasDevRandom          YES
++#define PollDevRandom         YES
+ #define AvoidNullMakeCommand  YES
+ #ifndef DebuggableLibraries
+ #define DebuggableLibraries   NO
+@@ -86,6 +201,8 @@
+ #endif
+ #define MkdirHierCmd          mkdir -p
- #define GNUSourceDefines      -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L \
-                               -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE \
-                               -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE
++#define HasBSD44Sockets               YES
+ #ifndef CcCmd
+ #define CcCmd                 gcc
+ #endif
+@@ -105,11 +222,12 @@
+ #define TermcapLibrary                -lncurses
+ #endif
+ #endif
+-#ifndef DoLoadableServer
+-#define DoLoadableServer      YES
++# ifndef DoLoadableServer
++#   define DoLoadableServer   YES
+ #endif
+-#define CppCmd                        /lib/cpp
++#ifndef CppCmd
++# define CppCmd                       /usr/bin/cpp
+ #endif
+ #define YaccCmd                       bison -y
+ #define LexCmd                        flex -l
+@@ -119,41 +237,54 @@
+ #define PostIncDir            DefaultGccIncludeDir
+ #define LdCombineFlags                -r
+ #ifndef LdPostLib
+-#define LdPostLib             /* Never needed */
++# define LdPostLib            /* Never needed */
+ #endif
+ #define HasWChar32            YES
+ #define StandardCppOptions    -traditional
+ #define StandardCppDefines    StandardDefines
+ #define HasVarRun             YES
+-#define VarDbDirectory                $(VARDIR)/lib
++#ifndef VarDbDirectory
++# define VarDbDirectory               $(VARDIR)/lib
+ XCOMM i386Architecture
+-#define OptimizedCDebugFlags  DefaultGcc2i386Opt
+-#define GNUMachineDefines     -D__i386__
+-#define ServerOSDefines               XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME 
+-#define ServerExtraDefines    -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
+-#define HasPlugin             YES
+-#define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext       YES
++# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
++#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags        DefaultGcc2i386Opt
++# endif
++# define GNUMachineDefines    -D__i386__
++# define ServerOSDefines      XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DPART_NET
++# define ServerExtraDefines   -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
++# define HasPlugin                    YES
++# define VendorHasX11R6_3libXext      YES
+ #ifndef StandardDefines
+-#define StandardDefines               -D__GNU__ GNUMachineDefines 
++# define StandardDefines      -D__GNU__ GNUMachineDefines GNUSourceDefines
+ #endif
+-#define DlLibrary             -rdynamic -ldl
++# define DlLibrary            -rdynamic -ldl
+ #define ServerExtraSysLibs    /**/
+-#define ConnectionFlags               -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN
++#ifndef PamLibraries
++#define PamLibraries          -lpam DlLibrary
++#ifndef PamMiscLibraries
++#define PamMiscLibraries      -lpam_misc
++# define ConnectionFlags      -DUNIXCONN -DTCPCONN
+ #ifndef StaticLibrary
+-#define StaticLibrary(libpath,libname) -Wl,-Bstatic Concat(-L,libpath) 
Concat(-l,libname) -Wl,-Bdynamic
++# define StaticLibrary(libpath,libname) -Wl,-Bstatic Concat(-L,libpath) 
Concat(-l,libname) -Wl,-Bdynamic
+ #endif
+-#define HasGnuMake    YES
++#define HasGnuMake            YES
+ #define MakeNamedTargetSubdir(dir,flags,subname)\
+-        $(MAKE) -C dir $(MFLAGS) $(PARALLELMFLAGS) flags subname
++      $(MAKE) -C dir $(MFLAGS) $(PARALLELMFLAGS) flags subname
+ #define ArchitectureDefines   -DGNU_ARCHITECTURE
diff -Naur debian.orig/patches/803_gnu_xterm_openpty.diff 
--- debian.orig/patches/803_gnu_xterm_openpty.diff      1970-01-01 
01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/patches/803_gnu_xterm_openpty.diff   2004-07-11 19:38:38.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+  on Glibc-based systems, openpty needs -lutil
+--- xc/programs/xterm/Imakefile~       2004-03-15 01:22:17.000000000 +0100
++++ xc/programs/xterm/Imakefile        2004-03-15 02:01:31.000000000 +0100
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
+ #endif
+ #if defined(NetBSDArchitecture) || defined(OpenBSDArchitecture) || \
++    defined(GNUArchitecture) || \
+     (defined(LinuxArchitecture) && \
+      (LinuxCLibMajorVersion == 6) && (LinuxCLibMinorVersion < 1))
+          PTYLIB = -lutil
diff -Naur debian.orig/patches/804_gnu_xdm.diff debian/patches/804_gnu_xdm.diff
--- debian.orig/patches/804_gnu_xdm.diff        1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ debian/patches/804_gnu_xdm.diff     2004-07-11 19:38:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+  merged upstream (4.4)
+diff -ur xc/programs/xdm.old/chooser.c xc/programs/xdm/chooser.c
+--- xc/programs/xdm.old/chooser.c      2003-11-29 16:07:50.000000000 +0100
++++ xc/programs/xdm/chooser.c  2003-11-29 16:11:30.000000000 +0100
+@@ -130,9 +130,7 @@
+ # include <sync/queue.h>
+ # include <sync/sema.h>
+ #endif
+-#ifndef __GNU__
+-# include <net/if.h>
+-#endif /* __GNU__ */
++#include <net/if.h>
+ #endif /* hpux */
+ #include    <netdb.h>
+@@ -550,8 +548,6 @@
+  *  addresses on the local host.
+  */
+-#if !defined(__GNU__)
+ /* Handle variable length ifreq in BNR2 and later */
+ #define ifr_size(p) (sizeof (struct ifreq) + \
+@@ -712,53 +708,6 @@
+                         QUERY);
+     }
+ }
+-#else /* __GNU__ */
+-static void
+-RegisterHostname (char *name)
+-    struct hostent    *hostent;
+-    struct sockaddr_in        in_addr;
+-    if (!strcmp (name, BROADCAST_HOSTNAME))
+-    {
+-          in_addr.sin_addr.s_addr= htonl(0xFFFFFFFF);
+-          in_addr.sin_port = htons (XDM_UDP_PORT);
+-          RegisterHostaddr ((struct sockaddr *)&in_addr, sizeof (in_addr),
+-                            BROADCAST_QUERY);
+-    }
+-    else
+-    {
+-      /* address as hex string, e.g., "12180022" (deprecated) */
+-      if (strlen(name) == 8 &&
+-          FromHex(name, (char *)&in_addr.sin_addr, strlen(name)) == 0)
+-      {
+-          in_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+-          in_addr.sin_port = htons (XDM_UDP_PORT);
+-          RegisterHostaddr ((struct sockaddr *)&in_addr, sizeof (in_addr),
+-                              QUERY);
+-      } else {
+-      /* Per RFC 1123, check first for IP address in dotted-decimal form */
+-      else if ((in_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(name)) != -1)
+-          in_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+-      else
+-      {
+-          hostent = gethostbyname (name);
+-          if (!hostent)
+-              return;
+-          if (hostent->h_addrtype != AF_INET || hostent->h_length != 4)
+-              return;
+-          in_addr.sin_family = hostent->h_addrtype;
+-          memmove( &in_addr.sin_addr, hostent->h_addr, 4);
+-      }
+-      in_addr.sin_port = htons (XDM_UDP_PORT);
+-      RegisterHostaddr ((struct sockaddr *)&in_addr, sizeof (in_addr),
+-                        QUERY);
+-      }
+-    }
+-#endif /* __GNU__ */
+ static ARRAYofARRAY8  AuthenticationNames;
+diff -ur xc/programs/xdm.old/config/Imakefile xc/programs/xdm/config/Imakefile
+--- xc/programs/xdm.old/config/Imakefile       2003-11-29 16:07:56.000000000 
++++ xc/programs/xdm/config/Imakefile   2003-11-29 16:09:08.000000000 +0100
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ all:: Xservers.ws xdm-config Xservers Xresources
+-#if defined(i386Architecture) && (defined(NetBSDArchitecture) || 
++#if defined(i386Architecture) && (defined(KNetBSDArchitecture) || 
+ #endif

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