Quoting Branden Robinson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grep xhackers /etc/group
> xhackers:!:2000:branden,ishikawa,fabbione,jch,www-data,fenton,mdz,daenzer,mjg59,wt,rmh,dnusinow,bubulle,tretkowski
> (www-data doesn't count.)
> While it is true that only a fraction of these people actively use their

I'm afraid I'm not among this fraction of active people, for xfree86

I still need to figure this out properly as you have (and I perfectly
understand this) very precise rule for commits....lack of time, I'm

I could certainly help in sorting out l10n issues (debconf l10n at the
minimum) if I can give some time to all this...:-)

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