The Debian X FAQ is conspicuously silent about the whole X licensing issue. It does mention X.Org but its commentary dates from 1999, saying that X.Org supervised the X11R6.5.1 release. The FAQ also says the XFree86 Project "release their X servers under licensing terms identical to that of the freely available X sources". It concludes, "XFree86 is thus the superset of the X Window System that is used by the Debian GNU/Linux system."
I presume from occasional comments on this list that the plan is (someday soon) to switch everything over to base the Debian packages on the X.Org releases. If so, I merely suggest putting a sentence or paragraph about those plans in the FAQ, and removing the no longer accurate comments about XFree86. If not, I'm merely confused -- and perhaps the FAQ should say something rather than nothing. John