Wouter Verhelst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Op do 04-03-2004, om 14:57 schreef Michael Schmitz:
> > I'll shut my autobuilder down for the time being, until after 4.3.0-3 has
> > been installed.
> That's not necessary. If you preinstall the b0rken packages (using
> "apt-get --reinstall install foo bar baz" should do it), you can
> continue to build. I've done that on quickstep, seems to work.
> (alternatively, you could just dep-wait everything on xserver-xfree86
> (>> 4.3.0-2) ...)

buildd realy should have the option to delete the chroot and rebuild
(or untar) a new one. For big builds its probably even faster to wipe
and untar a fresh chroot than to uninstall all the packages.


PS: On i386 I use an lvm snapshot that gets created for every package
build. No time wasted on rebuilding the chroot but always a fresh
one. Might be an option for the amiga buildds running 2.4.x.

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