Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> severity 236132 grave
Bug#236132: libx11-6 postrm bug prevents removal of package
Severity set to `grave'.

> reassign 236132 xfree86
Bug#236132: libx11-6 postrm bug prevents removal of package
Bug reassigned from package `libx11-6' to `xfree86'.

> close 236132
Bug#236132: libx11-6 postrm bug prevents removal of package
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug closed, send any further explanations to Michael Schmitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> merge 233645 236132
Bug#233645: xfree86: [] deregister_x_lib_dir_with_ld_so() calls 
fgrep with no second arg, causing maintainer scripts to hang forever trying to 
read from STDIN
Bug#236132: libx11-6 postrm bug prevents removal of package
Mismatch - only Bugs in same state can be merged:
Values for `severity' don't match:
 #233645 has `serious';
 #236132 has `grave'

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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