From the 4.3.0 TODO 001_linux_cf.diff ----------------------- Most of this is present upstream in 4.3.0 branch. Essentially all of the rest is in
There are some definite oddities in, however. I don't pretend to understand these files, but it's worth checking that the folowing are deliberate: * GccAliasingArgs is in OptimizedCDebugFlags upstream, but dropped in the Debian patch, for HPArchitecture, ia64Architecture, Mc68020Architecture, MipsArchitecture, s390Architecture, SparcArchitecture, and SuperHArchitecture. * -fomit-frame-pointer is in OptimizedCDebugFlags upstream, but dropped in the Debian patch, for s390Architecture, s390xArchitecture. * In, DefaultGcc2i386Opt, DefaultGcc2AxpOpt, and DefaultGcc2PpcOpt are defined to contain GccAliasingArgs. But in, they're defined to *not* contain it. Note that GccAliasingArgs was introduced upstream sometime after 4.2. How precisely should it be handled for Debian? * The following silly little fix for unspecified architectures was in 001_linux_cf.diff, but isn't in the new patch: @@ -686,6 +693,7 @@ # endif /* x86_64Architecture */ # else # define CcCmd gcc +# define CplusplusCmd g++ # define AsCmd CcCmd -c -x assembler # define LdCmd CcCmd -nostdlib # define AsmDefines -DUSE_GAS * HPArchitecture doesn't wrap its definition of OptimizedCDebugFlags in the usual #ifndef upstream, and the new patch doesn't either. But the old patch did. I hesitate to submit patches due to my lack of understanding, but if any of the issues are verified and solutions outlined, I could do so. Once these issues are fixed (or verified to be non-issues), 001_linux_cf.diff can be marked as merged to the new 004_xfree86_cf.diff ---------------------------- Entirely present upstream.