Below is the "bt full" output. (sorry for that -7 thing, just copied it blindly 
from another bug).
I love that "beCareful = 0" :)

Signal handler ? Is it missing because the server had the "NoTrapSignals" flag ?

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0838edc6 in XAAMoveDWORDS (dest=0x402a92f0, src=0x41400ff6, dwords=3)
   at xaaImage.c:58
No locals.
#1 0x0838f5fb in XAAWritePixmap (pScrn=0x8b6e5f8, x=0, y=0, w=381, h=0, src=0x41400d06 "", srcwidth=768, rop=3, planemask=4294967295, trans=-1, bpp=16, depth=16) at xaaImage.c:277
       infoRec = 0x8b9c0a8
       dwords = 191
       skipleft = 0
       Bpp = 2
       beCareful = 0
       PlusOne = 0
#2 0x0837f5a5 in XAADoImageWrite (pSrc=0x8b70ee8, pDst=0x8bc38b8, pGC=0x8cca058, prgnDst=0xbffff710, pptSrc=0xbffff6a8) at xaaCpyArea.c:216
       srcwidth = 768
       psrcBase = (unsigned char *) 0x413b9000 ""
       srcPntr = (unsigned char *) 0x413bf906 ""
       pbox = 0xbffff710
       nbox = 1
       infoRec = 0x8b9c0a8
       Bpp = 2
#3 0x0837eb7e in XAABitBlt (pSrcDrawable=0x8b70ee8, pDstDrawable=0x8bc38b8, pGC=0x8cca058, srcx=3, srcy=35, width=381, height=349, dstx=0, dsty=0, doBitBlt=0x837f457 <XAADoImageWrite>, bitPlane=0) at xaaBitBlt.c:201
       prgnSrcClip = 0x0
       prgnExposed = 0x0
       freeSrcClip = 0
       rgnDst = {extents = {x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 381, y2 = 349}, data = 0x0}
       pptSrc = 0xbffff6a8
       ppt = 0xbffff6ac
       origDest = {x = 0, y = 0}
       pbox = 0xbffff718
       fastBox = {x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 381, y2 = 349}
       i = -1
       dx = 3
       dy = 35
       numRects = 1
       origSource = {x = 3, y = 35, width = 381, height = 349}
       fastClip = 1
       fastExpose = 1
#4 0x0837ef12 in XAACopyArea (pSrcDrawable=0x8b70ee8, pDstDrawable=0x8bc38b8, pGC=0x8cca058, srcx=3, srcy=35, width=381, height=349, dstx=0, dsty=0)
   at xaaCpyArea.c:53
       infoRec = 0x8b9c0a8
#5 0x0863b69f in miSpriteCopyArea (pSrc=0x8b70ee8, pDst=0x8bc38b8, pGC=0x8cca058, srcx=3, srcy=35, w=381, h=349, dstx=0, dsty=0)
   at misprite.c:1190
       rgn = 0x8b70ee8
       pScreenPriv = 0x8b71bc8
       pGCPrivate = 0x8cca100
       oldFuncs = (GCFuncs *) 0x8aea480
#6 0x08642283 in fbShmPutImage (dst=0x8bc38b8, pGC=0x8cca058, depth=16, format=2, w=384, h=384, sx=3, sy=35, sw=381, sh=349, dx=0, dy=0, data=0x413b9000 "") at shm.c:546
       pPixmap = 0x8b70ee8
#7  0x08643afb in ProcShmPutImage (client=0x8cc8958) at shm.c:875
       pGC = 0x8cca058
       pDraw = 0x8bc38b8
       length = 768
       shmdesc = 0x8cc8350
       stuff = (xShmPutImageReq *) 0x8ccb1d8
#8  0x08644888 in ProcShmDispatch (client=0x8cc8958) at shm.c:1108
       stuff = (xReq *) 0x0
#9  0x084de350 in Dispatch () at dispatch.c:450
       clientReady = (int *) 0xbffff904
       result = 40
       client = 0x8cc8958
       nready = 0
       icheck = (HWEventQueuePtr *) 0x8b55bc8
       start_tick = 6520
#10 0x084f58c4 in main (argc=5, argv=0xbffffdc4, envp=0xbffffddc) at main.c:469
       i = 1
       j = 2
       k = 2
       error = -1073742396
       xauthfile = 0xbfffffcf "/root/.Xauthority"
       alwaysCheckForInput = {0, 1}

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