On Sun, Oct 10, 2004 at 03:56:20PM +0200, Tormod Volden wrote:
> while true ; do xscreensaver-command -next ; sleep 3 ; ps lax > 
> /var/tmp/lastscreensaverhack ; sleep 57 ; done

As an aside...

I find it's better to write "infinite" loops in the shell such that they
terminate when the command of interest fails:

while xscreensaver-command -next; do
  sleep 3
  ps lax >/var/tmp/lastscreesaverhack
  sleep 57

Of course, if the xscreensaver command never actually fails, this makes no

In general, though, I eschew "while true" and "while :".

G. Branden Robinson                |    No executive devotes much effort to
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    proving himself wrong.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    -- Laurence J. Peter
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