Your message dated Sun, 12 Oct 2003 17:10:46 -0500 with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and subject line support for XFree86 3.x discontinued has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with. If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith. (NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact me immediately.) Debian bug tracking system administrator (administrator, Debian Bugs database) -------------------------------------- Received: (at submit) by; 28 Feb 2002 05:33:00 +0000 >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Feb 27 23:33:00 2002 Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Received: from [] by with esmtp (Exim 3.12 1 (Debian)) id 16gJBZ-0000og-00; Wed, 27 Feb 2002 23:32:58 -0600 Received: by (Postfix, from userid 1000) id 660303EED2; Thu, 28 Feb 2002 10:34:35 +0500 (YEKT) Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 10:34:35 +0500 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: russian template file [xserver-svga] Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="wac7ysb48OaltWcw" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.25i From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ilgiz Kalmetev) Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --wac7ysb48OaltWcw Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline PACKAGE: xserver-svga --wac7ysb48OaltWcw Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-r Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="xserver-svga.templates-en-ru" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/doublequote_in_string_error Type: note Description: Please enter a value without double-quotes. Double-quote (") characters are not permitted in the entry value. Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÅ ÂÅÚ Ä×ÏÊÎÙÈ ËÁ×ÙÞÅË. ÷Ï ××ÏÄÉÍÏÊ ×ÅÌÉÞÉÎÅ ÎÅ ÄÏÌÖÎÏ ÂÙÔØ Ä×ÏÊÎÙÈ ËÁ×ÙÞÅË ("). Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/model Type: string Default: Monitor Description: Enter the model name of your monitor. The X server configuration file associates your video card with a name that you may provide. This identifier includes the model name of your monitor, e.g., "G200" or "E770s". Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÎÁÉÍÅÎÏ×ÁÎÉÅ ÍÏÄÅÌÉ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. æÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X Ó×ÑÚÙ×ÁÅÔ ×ÁÛÕ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÕ Ó ÉÍÅÎÅÍ, ËÏÔÏÒÏÅ ×Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÐÒÅÄÏÓÔÁ×ÉÔØ. üÔÏÔ ÉÄÅÎÔÉÆÉËÁÔÏÒ ×ËÌÀÞÁÅÔ ÎÁÉÍÅÎÏ×ÁÎÉÅ ÍÏÄÅÌÉ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ, ÎÁÐÒ., "G200" ÉÌÉ "E770s". Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/nonnumeric_string_error Type: note Description: Please enter only a numeric value. Characters other than digits are not allowed in the entry. Description-ru: ÷×ÏÄÉÔÅ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÞÉÓÌÏ×ÏÅ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÅ. ÷Ï ××ÏÄÉÍÏÊ ×ÅÌÉÞÉÎÅ ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ÂÙÔØ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÃÉÆÒÙ. Template: shared/default-x-server Type: select Choices: ${choices} Description: Select the desired default X server. The X server is the hardware interface of the X Window System. Its job is to communicate with video display and input devices, providing a foundation for the chosen Graphical User Interface (GUI). . Several X servers may be available; the default is selected via the /etc/X11/X symbolic link. Some X servers may not work with your particular graphics hardware. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÖÅÌÁÅÍÙÊ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ. óÅÒ×ÅÒ X - ÜÔÏ ÁÐÐÁÒÁÔÎÙÊ ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ X Window System. åÇÏ ÚÁÄÁÞÁ - ×ÚÉÍÏÄÅÊÓÔ×Ï×ÁÔØ Ó ×ÉÄÅÏÄÉÓÐÌÅÅÍ É ÕÓÔÒÏÊÓÔ×ÁÍÉ ××ÏÄÁ, ÏÂÅÓÐÅÞÉ×ÁÑ ÏÓÎÏ×Õ ÄÌÑ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÏÇÏ ÇÒÁÆÉÞÅÓËÏÇÏ ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓÁ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ (GUI). . íÏÇÕÔ ÂÙÔØ ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙ ÎÅÓËÏÌØËÏ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÏ× X; ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ ×ÙÂÉÒÁÅÔÓÑ Ó ÐÏÍÏÝØÀ ÓÓÙÌËÉ /etc/X11/X. îÅËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X ÍÏÇÕÔ ÎÅ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ ÓÏ ÓÐÅÃÉÆÉÞÎÙÍ ÇÒÁÆÉÞÅÓËÉÍ ÏÂÏÒÕÄÏ×ÁÎÉÅÍ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/keyboard/layout Type: string Description: Please select your keyboard layout. For the X server to handle your keyboard correctly, a keyboard layout must be entered. Available layouts depend on which XKB rule set and keyboard model were previously selected. . Advanced users can use any layout supported by the selected XKB rule set. See the /etc/X11/xkb/rules directory for available rule sets, and the /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for available layouts. . Users of U.S. English keyboards should enter "us". Users of keyboards localized for other countries should generally enter their ISO 3166 country code. E.g., France uses "fr", and Germany uses "de". Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ×ÁÛÕ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÎÕÀ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÕ. äÌÑ ÔÏÇÏ, ÞÔÏÂÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÐÒÁ×ÉÌØÎÏ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÌ Ó ×ÁÛÅÊ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÏÊ, ÎÕÖÎÏ ÕËÁÚÁÔØ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÕ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÉ ÚÁ×ÉÓÑÔ ÏÔ ÔÏÇÏ, ËÁËÏÊ ÎÁÂÏÒ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB É ÍÏÄÅÌØ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ ÂÙÌÉ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÙ ÐÅÒÅÄ ÜÔÉÍ. . ðÒÏÄ×ÉÎÕÔÙÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ÌÀÂÕÀ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÕ, ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÅÍÕÀ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÙÍ ÎÁÂÏÒÏÍ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB. óÍ. ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÄÌÑ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ ÎÁÂÏÒÙ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ × ËÁÔÁÌÏÇÅ /etc/X11/xkb/rules, Á ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÉ × ËÁÔÁÌÏÇÅ /etc/X11/xkb/symbols. . ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÁÍÅÒÉËÁÎÓËÉÈ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ××ÏÄÉÔØ "us". ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ, ÌÏËÁÌÉÚÏ×ÁÎÎÙÈ ÄÌÑ ÄÒÕÇÉÈ ÓÔÒÁÎ , ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ××ÏÄÉÔØ ËÏÄ ÉÈ ÓÔÒÁÎÙ ÐÏ ÓÔÁÎÄÁÒÔÕ ISO 3166. îÁÐÒ., ÆÒÁÎÃÕÚÙ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÀÔ "fr", Á ÎÅÍÃÙ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÀÔ "de". Template: shared/xfree86v3/autodetect_video_card Type: boolean Default: true Description: Attempt to autodetect video hardware? Accept this option if you would like to attempt to autodetect the recommended X server for your video card. If autodetection fails, you will be asked to specify the desired X server. If autodetection succeeds, further debconf questions about your video hardware will be pre-answered. . If you would rather select the X server yourself, decline this option. You will not be asked to select the X server if there is only one available. Description-ru: ðÏÐÙÔÁÔØÓÑ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÉÔØ ×ÉÄÅÏÏÂÏÒÕÄÏ×ÁÎÉÅ? ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ, ÅÓÌÉ ×ÁÍ ÈÏÞÅÔÓÑ ÐÏÐÙÔÁÔØÓÑ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÉÔØ ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÕÅÍÙÊ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X. åÓÌÉ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ ÎÅ ÕÄÁÌÏÓØ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÉÔØ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ, ÔÏ Õ ×ÁÓ ÓÐÒÏÓÑÔ ËÁËÏÊ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ×Ù ÐÒÅÄÐÏÞÉÔÁÅÔÅ. ðÒÉ ÕÓÐÅÛÎÏÍ Á×ÔÏÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÅÎÉÉ ÄÁÌØÎÅÊÛÉÅ ×ÏÐÒÏÓÙ debconf Ï ×ÁÛÅÍ ×ÉÄÅÏÏÂÏÒÕÄÏ×ÁÎÉÉ ÂÕÄÕÔ ÐÒÅÄÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ÌÅÎÙ. . åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÐÒÅÄÐÏÞÉÔÁÅÔÅ ÓÁÍÉ ×ÙÂÉÒÁÔØ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X, ÔÏ ÎÅ ×ÙÂÉÒÁÊÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ. ÷ÁÓ ÎÅ ÓÐÒÏÓÑÔ Ï ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÅ X, ÅÓÌÉ ÄÏÓÔÕÐÅÎ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÏÄÉÎ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X. Template: shared/xfree86v3/autodetect_monitor Type: boolean Default: true Description: Attempt monitor autodetection? Many monitors (including LCD's) and video cards support a communication protocol that allows the monitor's technical characteristics to be communicated back to the computer. If your monitor and video card speak the same dialect of this protocol, further debconf questions about your monitor will be pre-answered. . If you have an NVidia video card, you may want to decline this option, as these cards' support for the DDC protocol is often so poor that attempts to use it can result in system lockups. . If autodetection fails, you will be asked for information about your monitor. Description-ru: ðÏÐÙÔÁÔØÓÑ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ ÏÐÏÚÎÁÔØ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ? íÎÏÇÉÅ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÙ (×ËÌÀÞÁÑ LCD) É ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÙ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÀÔ ÐÒÏÔÏËÏÌ Ó×ÑÚÉ, ËÏÔÏÒÙÊ ÐÏÚ×ÏÌÑÅÔ ÐÅÒÅÄÁ×ÁÔØ × ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ ÔÅÈÎÉÞÅÓËÉÅ ÈÁÒÁËÔÅÒÉÓÔÉËÉ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ × ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ. åÓÌÉ ×ÁÛÉ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ É ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÁ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÀÔ ÔÁËÏÊ ÐÒÏÔÏËÏÌ, ÔÏ ÄÁÌØÎÅÊÛÉÅ ×ÏÐÒÏÓÙ debconf Ï ×ÁÛÅÍ ÍÏÎÉÏÒÅ ÂÕÄÕÔ ÐÒÅÄÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ÌÅÎÙ. . åÓÌÉ Õ ×ÁÓ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÁ NVidia, ÔÏ ×ÁÍ ÌÕÞÛÅ ÏÐÕÓÔÉÔØ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ, ÔÁË ËÁË ÜÔÉ ËÁÒÔÙ ÎÁÓÔÏÌØËÏ ÐÌÏÈÏ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÀÔ ÐÒÏÔÏËÏÌ DDC, ÞÔÏ ÐÏÐÙÔËÉ ÅÇÏ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÐÒÉ×ÅÓÔÉ Ë ÂÌÏËÉÒÏ×ËÅ ÓÉÓÔÅÍÙ. . åÓÌÉ Á×ÔÏÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÎÉÅ ÂÙÌÏ ÎÅÕÄÁÞÎÙÍ, ÔÏ Õ ×ÁÓ ÓÐÒÏÓÑÔ, ËÁËÏÊ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ Õ ×ÁÓ ÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ÌÅÎ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/device/model Type: string Default: Video Card Description: Enter the model name of your video card. The X server configuration file associates your video card with a name that you may provide. This identifier includes the model name of your video card, e.g., "Voodoo3" or "Xpert 98". Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÎÁÉÍÅÎÏ×ÁÎÉÅ ÍÏÄÅÌÉ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÙ. æÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X Ó×ÑÚÙ×ÁÅÔ ×ÁÛÕ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÕ Ó ÉÍÅÎÅÍ, ËÏÔÏÒÏÅ ×Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÐÒÅÄÏÓÔÁ×ÉÔØ. üÔÏÔ ÉÄÅÎÔÉÆÉËÁÔÏÒ ×ËÌÀÞÁÅÔ ÎÁÉÍÅÎÏ×ÁÎÉÅ ÍÏÄÅÌÉ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÙ, ÎÁÐÒ., "Voodoo3" ÉÌÉ "Xpert 98". Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/device/vendor Type: string Default: Generic Description: Enter the vendor name of your video card. The X server configuration file associates your video card with a name that you may provide. This identifier includes the brand or vendor name of your video card, e.g., "3Dfx" or "ATI". Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÉÍÑ ÐÒÏÉÚ×ÏÄÉÔÅÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÙ. æÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X Ó×ÑÚÙ×ÁÅÔ ×ÁÛÕ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÕ Ó ÉÍÅÎÅÍ, ËÏÔÏÒÏÅ ×Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÐÒÅÄÏÓÔÁ×ÉÔØ. üÔÏÔ ÉÄÅÎÔÉÆÉËÁÔÏÒ ×ËÌÀÞÁÅÔ ÎÁÉÍÅÎÏ×ÁÎÉÅ ÍÁÒËÉ ÉÌÉ ÎÁÚ×ÁÎÉÅ ÐÒÏÉÚ×ÏÄÉÔÅÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÙ, ÎÁÐÒ., "3Dfx" ÉÌÉ "ATI". Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/zaxismapping Type: boolean Default: true Description: Enable scroll events from mouse wheel? Events from a wheeled mouse's wheel can be treated as clicks of additional buttons (buttons 4 and 5). Some X applications treat buttons 4 and 5 as scroll-up and scroll-down events, making the mouse wheel work as expected. This is application-level behavior however, and may not always work. Also, exotic mice with more than 3 buttons in addition to a wheel may behave in an unexpected fashion if this option is set. . Enabling this option is harmless if your mouse has no scroll wheel. Description-ru: òÁÚÒÅÛÉÔØ ÏÂÒÁÂÏÔËÕ ÓÏÂÙÔÉÊ ÏÂÒÁÂÏÔËÕ ÏÔ ËÏÌÅÓÉËÁ ÍÙÛÉ? óÏÂÙÔÉÑ ÏÔ ËÏÌÅÓÉËÁ ÍÙÛÉ Ó ÍÏÇÕÔ ÂÙÔØ ÐÒÅÄÓÔÁ×ÌÅÎÙ ÎÁÖÁÔÉÑÍÉ ÄÏÐÏÌÎÉÔÅÌØÎÙÈ ËÌÁ×ÉÛ (4-ÏÊ É 5-ÏÊ). îÅËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ÐÒÉÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ X ÓÞÉÔÁÀÔ ÎÁÖÁÔÉÑ ÎÁ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÉ 4 É 5 ÓÏÂÙÔÉÑÍÉ scroll-up É scroll-down (ÐÅÒÅÍÏÔËÁ ××ÅÒÈ É ÐÅÒÅÍÏÔËÁ ×ÎÉÚ), × ÒÅÚÕÌØÔÁÔÅ ÞÅÇÏ ËÏÌÅÓÉËÏ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÅÔ ËÁË ÏÖÉÄÁÅÔÓÑ. ïÄÎÁËÏ ÜÔÏ ÐÏ×ÅÄÅÎÉÅ ÚÁ×ÉÓÉÔ ÏÔ ËÏÎËÒÅÔÎÙÈ ÐÒÉÌÏÖÅÎÉÊ É ÎÅ ×ÓÅÇÄÁ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ. ôÁËÖÅ, ÜËÚÏÔÉÞÎÙÅ ÍÙÛÉ Ó ÂÏÌÅÅ, ÞÅÍ 3 ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁÍÉ × ÄÏÂÁ×ÌÅÎÉÅ Ë ËÏÌÅÓÕ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÄÁÔØ ÎÅÏÖÉÄÁÎÎÙÊ ÜÆÆÅËÔ ÐÒÉ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÎÉÉ ÜÔÏÊ ÏÐÃÉÉ. . òÁÚÒÅÛÅÎÉÅ ÜÔÏÊ ÏÐÃÉÉ ÂÅÚÏÐÁÓÎÏ, ÅÓÌÉ Õ ÍÙÛÉ ×ÏÏÂÝÅ ÎÅÔ ËÏÌÅÓÉËÁ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/autodetect_mouse Type: boolean Default: true Description: Attempt mouse device autodetection? If you have a mouse attached to the computer, an attempt to detect it can be made; it may help to move the mouse while detection is attempted (also, the gpm program should not be running). If you would like to attach a PS/2 or bus/inport mouse to your computer, you should shut down the system, turn off the computer's power, connect the mouse, turn the computer back on, and reboot. If you wish to select a mouse type manually, decline this option. . If you accept this option and autodetection fails, you will be asked this question again. You may attempt autodetection as many times as desired. If autodetection succeeds, further debconf questions about your mouse will be pre-answered. Description-ru: ðÏÐÙÔÁÔØÓÑ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ ÏÐÏÚÎÁÔØ ÍÙÛØ? åÓÌÉ ×ÁÛÁ ÍÙÛØ ÐÏÄËÌÀÞÅÎÁ Ë ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒÕ, ÔÏ ÍÏÖÎÏ ÐÏÐÙÔÁÔØÓÑ ÒÁÓÐÏÚÎÁÔØ ÅÅ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ; ÅÓÌÉ ÍÙÛØ Ä×ÉÇÁÔØ ×Ï ×ÒÅÍÑ ÒÁÓÐÏÚÎÁ×ÁÎÉÑ, ÔÏ ÜÔÏ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÐÏÍÏÞØ (ÔÁËÖÅ ÎÅ ÄÏÌÖÎÁ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÁ gpm). åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÈÏÔÉÔÅ ÐÏÄËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÍÙÛØ PS/2 ÉÌÉ bus/inport, ÔÏ ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÕÅÔÓÑ ×ÙËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÓÉÓÔÅÍÕ, ÏÂÅÓÔÏÞÉÔØ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ, ÐÏÄËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÍÙÛØ, ÓÎÏ×Á ×ËÌÀÞÉÔØ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ É ÐÅÒÅÚÁÇÒÕÚÉÔØÓÑ. åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÈÏÔÉÔÅ ×ÙÂÒÁÔØ ÔÉÐ ÍÙÛÉ ×ÒÕÞÎÕÀ, ÔÏ ÐÒÏÐÕÓÔÉÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ. . åÓÌÉ ×Ù ×ÙÂÒÁÌÉ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ É Á×ÔÏÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÎÉÅ ÂÙÌÏ ÎÅÕÄÁÞÎÙÍ, ÔÏ ×ÁÍ ÚÁÄÁÄÕÔ ÜÔÏÔ ×ÏÐÒÏÓ ÓÎÏ×Á. íÏÖÅÔÅ ÐÏ×ÔÏÒÑÔØ ÜÔÏ ÓËÏÌØËÏ ×ÁÍ ÕÇÏÄÎÏ. ðÒÉ ÕÓÐÅÛÎÏÍ Á×ÔÏÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÅÎÉÉ ÄÁÌØÎÅÊÛÉÅ ×ÏÐÒÏÓÙ debconf Ï ×ÁÛÅÊ ÍÙÛÉ ÂÕÄÕÔ ÐÒÅÄÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ÌÅÎÙ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/device/video_ram Type: string Description: Enter the amount of memory (in kB) to be used by your video card. Typically, the amount of dedicated memory your video card has is autodetected by the X server, but some integrated video chips (such as the Intel i810) have little or no video memory of their own, and instead borrow main system memory for their needs. . It is perfectly acceptable to leave this parameter blank; only if your video card lacks RAM, or if the X server has trouble autodetecting the amount, is it necessary to specify the amount of video RAM. Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÒÁÚÍÅÒ ÐÁÍÑÔÉ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÙ (× Ëâ). ïÂÙÞÎÏ, ËÏÉÞÓÔ×Ï ×ÙÄÅÌÅÎÎÏÊ ÐÁÍÑÔÉ ÎÁ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÅ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÑÅÔÓÑ ÓÅ×ÅÒÏÍ X, ÎÏ ÎÅËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ÉÎÔÅÇÒÉÒÏ×ÁÎÎÙÅ ×ÉÄÅÏÞÉÐÙ (ÔÁËÉÅ ËÁË Intel i810) ÎÅ ÉÍÅÀÔ ÓÏÂÓÔ×ÅÎÎÏÊ ÐÁÍÑÔÉ ÉÌÉ ÉÍÅÀÔ ÏÞÅÎØ ÍÁÌÏ, ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÑ ÏÓÎÏ×ÎÕÀ ÓÉÓÔÅÍÎÕÀ ÐÁÍÑÔØ. . ìÕÞÛÅ ×ÓÅÇÏ ÏÓÔÁ×ÉÔØ ÜÔÏ ÐÏÌÅ ÐÕÓÔÙÍ; ÕËÁÚÙ×ÁÔØ ÒÁÚÍÅÒ ×ÉÄÅÏÐÁÍÑÔÉ ÎÅÏÂÈÏÄÉÍÏ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÅÓÌÉ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÅ ÎÅ È×ÁÔÁÅÔ ïúõ, ÉÌÉ ÅÓÌÉ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÎÅÐÒÁ×ÉÌØÎÏ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÉÌ ÅÅ ÒÁÚÍÅÒÙ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/screen-size Type: select Choices: Up to 14 inches (355 mm), 15 inches (380 mm), 17 inches (430 mm), 19-20 inches (480-510 mm), 21 inches (530 mm) or more Default: 17 inches (430 mm) Description: Please choose your approximate monitor size. High-quality CRT's may be able to use the next higher size category. Choices-ru: ÄÏ 14 ÄÀÊÍÏ× (355 ÍÍ), 15 ÄÀÊÍÏ× (380 ÍÍ), 17 ÄÀÊÍÏ× (430 ÍÍ), 19-20 ÄÀÊÍÏ× (480-510 ÍÍ), 21 ÄÀÊÍÏ× (530 ÍÍ) ÉÌÉ ÂÏÌØÛÅ Default-ru: 17 ÄÀÊÍÏ× (430 ÍÍ) Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÐÒÉÂÌÉÚÉÔÅÌØÎÙÊ ÒÁÚÍÅÒ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. ÷ÙÓÏËÏËÁÞÅÓÔ×ÅÎÎÙÅ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÙ ÍÏÖÎÏ ÕËÁÚÙ×ÁÔØ ÂÏÌÅÅ ×ÙÓÏËÏÊ ËÁÔÅÇÏÒÉÉ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/emulate3buttons Type: boolean Default: true Description: Emulate 3 button mouse? Most programs in the X Window System expect your mouse to have 3 buttons (left, right, and middle). Mice with only 2 buttons can emulate the presence of a middle button by treating simultaneous clicks or drags of the left and right buttons as middle button events. . This option may also be used on mice with 3 or more buttons; the middle button will continue to work normally. Description-ru: üÍÕÌÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ ÔÒÅÈËÎÏÐÏÞÎÕÀ ÍÙÛØ? âÏÌØÛÉÎÓÔ×Ï ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍ X Window System ÐÒÅÄÐÏÌÁÇÁÀÔ, ÞÔÏ ×ÁÛÁ ÍÙÛØ ÉÍÅÅÔ ÔÒÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÉ (ÌÅ×ÁÑ, ÐÒÁ×ÁÑ, ÓÒÅÄÎÑÑ). íÙÛØ Ó Ä×ÕÍÑ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁÍÉ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÜÍÕÌÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ ÎÁÖÁÔÉÅ ÎÁ ÓÒÅÄÎÀÀ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÕ ÎÁÖÁÔÉÅÍ Ä×ÕÈ ËÒÁÊÎÉÈ ËÌÁ×ÉÛ ÏÄÎÏ×ÒÅÍÅÎÎÏ ÉÌÉ ÐÅÒÅÎÁÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÅÍ ÌÅ×ÏÊ ÉÌÉ ÐÒÁ×ÏÊ ËÌÉ×ÉÛÉ × ËÁÞÅÓÔ×Å ÓÒÅÄÎÅÊ. . üÔÁ ÏÐÃÉÑ ÔÁËÖÅ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØÓÑ ÄÌÑ ÍÙÛÅÊ Ó ÔÒÅÍÑ ÉÌÉ ÂÏÌÅÅ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁÍÉ; ÓÒÅÄÎÑÑ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁ ÂÕÄÔ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ ËÁË ÏÂÙÞÎÏ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/vert-refresh Type: string Description: Enter your monitor's vertical refresh range. Please enter either a comma-separated list of discrete values (for fixed-frequency displays), or a pair of values separated by a dash (all modern CRT's). This information should be available in your monitor's manual. Values lower than 60 or higher than 160 are extremely rare. Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÄÉÁÐÁÚÏÎ ×ÅÒÔÉËÁÌØÎÙÈ ÞÁÓÔÏÔ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÓÐÉÓÏË ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÚÁÐÑÔÙÍÉ ÄÉÓËÒÅÔÎÙÈ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÊ (ÄÌÑ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÏ× Ó ÆÉËÓÉÒÏ×ÁÎÎÙÍÉ ÞÁÓÔÏÔÁÍÉ) ÉÌÉ ÐÁÒÕ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÊ, ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÔÉÒÅ (ÄÌÑ ×ÓÅÈ ÓÏ×ÒÅÍÅÎÎÙÈ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÏ×). üÔÕ ÉÎÆÏÒÍÁÃÉÀ ÍÏÖÅÏ ÎÁÊÔÉ × ÒÕËÏ×ÏÄÓÔ×Å ÐÏ ×ÁÛÅÍÕ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÕ. úÎÁÞÅÎÉÑ ÍÅÎØÛÅ 60 ÉÌÉ ÂÏÌØÛÅ 160 Ñ×ÌÑÀÔÓÑ ÉÓËÌÀÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÍÉ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/horiz-sync Type: string Description: Enter your monitor's horizontal sync range. Please enter either a comma-separated list of discrete values (for fixed-frequency displays), or a pair of values separated by a dash (all modern CRT's). This information should be available in your monitor's manual. Values lower than 30 or higher than 130 are extremely rare. Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÄÉÁÐÁÚÏÎ ÇÏÒÉÚÏÎÔÁÌØÎÙÈ ÞÁÓÔÏÔ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÓÐÉÓÏË ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÚÁÐÑÔÙÍÉ ÄÉÓËÒÅÔÎÙÈ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÊ (ÄÌÑ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÏ× Ó ÆÉËÓÉÒÏ×ÁÎÎÙÍÉ ÞÁÓÔÏÔÁÍÉ) ÉÌÉ ÐÁÒÕ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÊ, ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÔÉÒÅ (ÄÌÑ ×ÓÅÈ ÓÏ×ÒÅÍÅÎÎÙÈ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÏ×). üÔÕ ÉÎÆÏÒÍÁÃÉÀ ÍÏÖÅÏ ÎÁÊÔÉ × ÒÕËÏ×ÏÄÓÔ×Å ÐÏ ×ÁÛÅÍÕ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÕ. úÎÁÞÅÎÉÑ ÍÅÎØÛÅ 30 ÉÌÉ ÂÏÌØÛÅ 130 Ñ×ÌÑÀÔÓÑ ÉÓËÌÀÞÉÔÅÌØÎÙÍÉ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/keyboard/variant Type: string Description: Please select your keyboard variant. For the X server to handle your keyboard as you desire, a keyboard variant may be entered. Available variants depend on which XKB rule set, model, and layout were previously selected. . Many keyboard layouts support an option to treat "dead" keys such as non-spacing accent marks and diareses as normal spacing keys, and if this the preferred behavior, enter "nodeadkeys". . Advanced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout. See the /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for the file corresponding to your selected layout for available variants. . Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally leave this entry blank. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ×ÁÒÉÁÎÔ ×ÁÛÅÊ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. þÔÏÂÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÒÁÂÏÔÁÌ Ó ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÏÊ ÔÁË, ËÁË ×ÁÍ ÎÒÁ×ÉÔÓÑ, ÎÕÖÎÏ ××ÅÓÔÉ ×ÁÒÉÁÎÔ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ×ÁÒÉÁÎÔÙ ÚÁ×ÉÓÑÔ ÏÔ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÙÈ ÒÁÎÅÅ ÎÁÂÏÒÁ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB, ÍÏÄÅÌÉ É ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÉ. . íÎÏÇÉÅ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÀÔ ÏÐÃÉÉ ÄÌÑ ÒÁÂÏÔÙ Ó "ÍÅÒÔ×ÙÍÉ" ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁÍÉ, ÔÁËÉÍÉ ËÁË ÍÅÔËÉ ÎÅÐÒÏÂÅÌØÎÙÈ ÁËÃÅÎÔÏ× É diareses, ËÁË Ó ÎÏÒÍÁÌØÎÙÍÉ ÐÒÏÂÅÌØÎÙÍÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁÍÉ, É ÅÓÌÉ ×ÁÍ ÜÔÏÇÏ ÈÏÞÅÔÓÑ, ÔÏ ××ÅÄÉÔÅ "nodeadkeys". . ïÐÙÔÎÙÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ÌÀÂÏÊ ×ÁÒÉÁÎÔ ÄÌÑ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÏÊ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÉ XKB. äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ×ÁÒÉÁÎÔÙ ÄÌÑ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÏÊ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ ÒÁÓÐÏÌÏÖÅÎÙ × ÆÁÊÌÁÈ × ËÁÔÁÌÏÇÅ /etc/X11/xkb/symbols. . ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ óûá ÏÂÙÞÎÏ ÏÓÔÁ×ÌÑÀÔ ÜÔÏ ÐÏÌÅ ÐÕÓÔÙÍ. Template: shared/clobber_x-server_symlink Type: boolean Description: Replace symbolic link to default X server? The symbolic link /etc/X11/X already exists; this means that a default X server has already been selected. You may be prompted by debconf to select your default X server, but any change will not take effect unless this symbolic link is overwritten. If you do elect to replace the symbolic link, the change in default X server will take effect the next time the X server is started. Description-ru: úÁÍÅÎÉÔØ ÓÉÍ×ÏÌÉÞÅÓËÕÀ ÓÓÙÌËÕ ÎÁ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ? õÖÅ ÓÕÝÅÓÔ×ÕÅÔ ÓÉÍ×ÏÌÉÞÅÓËÁÑ ÓÓÙÌËÁ /etc/X11/X; ÜÔÏ ÚÎÁÞÉÔ, ÞÔÏ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ ÕÖÅ ×ÙÂÒÁÎ. debconf ×ÏÚÍÏÖÎÏ ÓÐÒÁÛÉ×ÁÌ ×ÁÓ Ï ÐÒÅÄÐÏÞÉÔÁÅÍÏÍ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÅ X, ÎÏ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ ÎÅ ÂÕÄÅÔ ÉÚÍÅÎÅÎ ÐÏËÁ ÎÅ ÂÕÄÅÔ ÉÚÍÅÎÅÎÁ ÜÔÁ ÓÉÍ×ÏÌÉÞÅÓËÁÑ ÓÓÙÌËÁ. åÓÌÉ ÓÅÊÞÁÓ ×Ù ÕËÁÖÁÅÔÅ, ÎÁÄÏ ÚÁÍÅÎÉÔØ ÓÓÙÌËÕ, ÔÏ ÜÆÆÅËÔ ÐÒÏÑ×ÉÔÓÑ ÐÒÉ ÓÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÍ ÚÁÐÕÓËÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/modules Type: multiselect Choices: pex5, xie Default: pex5, xie Description: Select the XFree86 server modules that should be loaded by default. It is possible to customize (or completely omit) the list of modules that the X server loads by default. This option is for advanced users. . The pex5 and xie modules implement deprecated extensions, PEX5 and the X Image Extension, respectively. PEX5 may be safely turned off by most users, but some applications still query the server for XIE support even though they don't use it. These modules will disappear in a future release of XFree86. . For further information about these modules, please consult the XFree86 documentation. . If you unsure what to do, leave both of the modules enabled. Advanced users may wish to disable both modules -- in which case no Modules section will be written to the X server configuration file -- and add their own Modules section to the file manually. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÚÁÇÒÕÖÁÅÍÙÅ ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ ÍÏÄÕÌÉ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ XFree86. íÏÖÎÏ ÐÏÄÎÁÓÔÒÏÉÔØ (ÉÌÉ ÐÏÌÎÏÓÔØÀ ÉÚÍÅÎÉÔØ) ÓÐÉÓÏË ÍÏÄÕÌÅÊ, ËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ XFree86 ÚÁÇÒÕÖÁÅÔ ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ. üÔÏ ÄÅÊÓÔ×ÉÅ ÎÅ ÄÌÑ ÎÏ×ÉÞËÏ×. . íÏÄÕÌÉ pex5 É xie ÒÅÁÌÉÚÕÀÔ ×ÚÁÉÍÏÉÓËÌÀÞÁÀÝÉÅ ÒÁÓÛÉÒÅÎÉÑ, PEX5 É X Image Extension, ÓÏÏÔ×ÅÓÔ×ÅÎÎÏ. íÏÄÕÌØ PEX5 ÂÏÌØÛÉÎÓÔ×Õ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÅÊ ÂÅÚÏÐÁÓÎÅÅ ×ÙËÌÀÞÉÔØ, ÎÏ ÎÅËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ÐÒÉÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ ÛÌÀÔ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÕ ÚÁÐÒÏÓÙ ÐÏ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖËÅ XIE ÄÁÖÅ ÅÓÌÉ × ÄÅÊÓÔ×ÉÔÅÌØÎÏÓÔÉ ÎÅ ÐÏÌØÚÕÀÔÓÑ ÉÍ. üÔÉ ÍÏÄÕÌÉ × ÄÁÌØÎÅÊÛÅÍ ×ÙÐÕÓËÅ XFree86 ÂÕÄÕÔ ÕÂÒÁÎÙ. . ðÏÄÒÏÂÎÏÓÔÉ Ï ÜÔÉÈ ÍÏÄÕÌÑÈ ÍÏÖÎÏ ÎÁÊÔÉ × ÄÏËÕÍÅÎÔÁÃÉÉ XFree86. . åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÎÅ ÚÎÁÅÔÅ, ÞÔÏ ÄÅÌÁÔØ, ÔÏ ÏÓÔÁ×ØÔÅ ÏÂÁ ÜÔÉÈ ÍÏÄÕÌÑ. ïÐÙÔÎÙÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÚÁÐÒÅÔÉÔØ ÏÂÁ ÜÔÉÈ ÍÏÄÕÌÑ -- × ÜÔÏÍ ÓÌÕÞÁÅ × ÆÁÊÌÅ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X ÎÅ ÂÕÄÅÔ ÒÁÚÄÅÌÁ Modules -- É ÄÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ ÓÏÂÓÔ×ÅÎÎÙÊ ÒÁÚÄÅÌ Modules × ÆÁÊÌ ×ÒÕÞÎÕÀ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/port Type: select Choices: ${choices} Description: Please choose your mouse port. For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, certain characteristics of your mouse (or other pointing device, such as a trackball) must be known. . It is necessary to determine which port (connection type) your mouse uses. Serial ports use D-shaped connectors with 9 or 25 pins (a.k.a. DB-9 or DB-25); the mouse connector is female (has holes) and the computer connector is male (has pins). PS/2 ports are small round connectors (DIN) with 6 pins; the mouse connector is male and the computer side female. You may alternatively have a USB mouse, a bus/inport (very old) mouse, or be using the gpm program as a repeater. If you need to attach or remove PS/2 or bus/inport devices from your computer, please do so with the computer's power off. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÐÏÒÔ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ÍÙÛÉ. äÌÑ ÔÏÇÏ, ÞÔÏÂÙ ÇÒÁÆÉÞÅÓËÉÊ ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ X Window System ÒÁÂÏÔÁÌ ËÏÒÒÅËÔÎÏ, ÎÕÖÎÏ ÚÎÁÔØ ÔÏÞÎÙÅ ÈÁÒÁËÔÅÒÉÓÔÉËÉ ×ÁÛÅÊ ÍÙÛÉ (ÉÌÉ ÕËÁÚÙ×ÁÀÝÅÇÏ ÕÓÔÒÏÊÓÔ×Á, ÎÁÐÒÉÍÅÒ, ÔÒÅËÂÏÌÁ). . îÅÏÂÈÏÄÉÍÏ ÚÎÁÔØ, ËÁËÏÊ ÐÏÒÔ (ÔÉÐ ÓÏÅÄÉÎÅÎÉÑ) ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÅÔ ×ÁÛÁ ÍÙÛØ. ðÏÓÌÅÄÏ×ÁÔÅÌØÎÙÅ ÐÏÒÔÙ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÀÔ D-ÏÂÒÁÚÎÙÅ ÒÁÚØÅÍÙ Ó 9/25 ×Ù×ÏÄÁÍÉ (DB-9 ÉÌÉ DB-25); ÒÁÚØÅÍ ÍÙÛÉ - "ÍÁÍÁ"(ÇÎÅÚÄÏ×ÏÊ), Á ÒÁÚØÅÍ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒÁ - "ÐÁÐÁ" (ÛÔÙÒØËÏ×ÙÊ). ðÏÒÔÙ PS/2 ÉÍÅÀÔ ÍÁÌÅÎØËÉÅ ËÒÕÇÌÙÅ ÒÁÚØÅÍÙ Ó 6 ×Ù×ÏÄÁÍÉ; ÒÁÚØÅÍ ÍÙÛÉ - "ÐÁÐÁ", Á ÒÁÚØÅÍ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒÁ - "ÍÁÍÁ". ôÁËÖÅ Õ ×ÁÓ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÂÙÔØ ÍÙÛØ USB, bus/inport ÍÙÛØ ÉÌÉ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÁ gpm, ÒÁÂÏÔÁÀÝÁÑ ËÁË ÐÏ×ÔÏÒÉÔÅÌØ. åÓÌÉ ×ÁÍ ÎÁÄÏ ÏÔÓÏÅÄÉÎÉÔØ ÉÌÉ ÐÏÄÓÏÅÄÉÎÉÔØ ÒÁÚØÅÍ PS/2 ÉÌÉ bus/inport, ÔÏ ÎÅ ÚÁÂÙ×ÁÊÔÅ ÏÂÅÓÔÏÞÉ×ÁÔØ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ. Template: shared/multiple_possible_x-servers Type: note Description: Multiple potential default X servers for your hardware. Multiple video cards have been detected, and different X servers are required to support the various devices. It is thus not possible to automatically select a default X server. Please configure the device that will serve as your computer's "primary head"; this is generally the video card and monitor to which the computer displays when it first boots. . At the present time, only a single-headed setup is supported by debconf; however, the X server configuration files can be edited to support a multi-head configuration. Description-ru: äÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ÁÐÐÁÒÁÔÕÒÙ ÐÏÄÈÏÄÉÔ ÎÅÓËÏÌØËÏ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÏ× X. âÙÌÏ ÎÁÊÄÅÎÏ ÎÅÓËÏÌØËÏ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔ, Á ÄÌÑ ÒÁÚÌÉÞÎÙÈ ÕÓÔÒÏÊÓÔ× ÎÕÖÎÙ ÒÁÚÌÉÞÎÙÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X. éÚ-ÚÁ ÜÔÏÇÏ ÔÒÕÄÎÏ ×ÙÂÒÁÔØ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ. îÁÓÔÒÏÊÔÅ ÕÓÔÒÏÊÓÔ×Ï, ËÏÔÏÒÏÅ ÄÏÌÖÎÏ ÂÙÔØ "ÐÅÒ×ÉÞÎÙÍ"; ÏÂÙÞÎÏ ÜÔÏ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÁ ÉÌÉ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ, ËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÅÔ ×Ï ×ÒÅÍÑ ÚÁÇÒÕÚËÉ . ÷ ÎÁÓÔÏÑÝÅÅ ×ÒÅÍÑ debconf ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÅÔ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÏÄÎÏ-×ÅÄÕÝÕÀ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÊËÕ; ÏÄÎÁËÏ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅÞÎÙÊ ÆÁÊÌ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X ÍÏÖÅÔ ÂÙÔØ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅÎ ÎÁ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖËÕ ÍÎÏÇÏ-×ÅÄÕÝÅÊ ËÏÎÆÉÇÕÒÁÃÉÉ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/keyboard/internal Type: string Description: internal use only This template is never shown to the user and does not require translation. Description-ru: ôÏÌØËÏ ÄÌÑ ×ÎÕÔÒÅÎÎÅÇÏ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÎÉÑ üÔÏÔ ÛÁÂÌÏÎ ÎÉËÏÇÄÁ ÎÅ ÐÏËÁÚÙ×ÁÅÔÓÑ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÀ É ÎÅ ÔÒÅÂÕÅÔ ÐÅÒÅ×ÏÄÁ Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/display/modes Type: multiselect Choices: 1920x1440, 1856x1392, 1792x1344, 1600x1200, 1280x1024, 1280x960, 1152x864, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480 Default: 1152x864, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480 Description: Select the video modes you would like the X server to use. If there are some resolutions you would not like the X server to use even if your hardware is capable of them, remove them from the list below. Removing all of them is effectively the same as removing none, since in both cases the X server will attempt to use the highest possible resolution. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ×ÉÄÅÏÒÅÖÉÍÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X, ËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ×ÁÍ ÎÒÁ×ÑÔÓÑ. åÓÌÉ ÚÄÅÓØ ÕËÁÚÁÎÙ ×ÉÄÅÏÒÅÖÉÍÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X, ËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ×ÁÍ ÎÅ ÎÒÁ×ÑÔÓÑ ÉÌÉ ×ÁÛÅ ÏÂÏÒÕÄÏ×ÁÎÉÅ ÉÈ ÎÅ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÅÔ, ÔÏ ÕÄÁÌÉÔÅ ÉÈ ÉÚ ÓÐÉÓËÁ. õÄÁÌÅÎÉÅ ×ÓÅÈ ÒÅÖÉÍÏ× ÏÚÎÁÞÁÅÔ , ÞÔÏ ÎÉÞÅÇÏ ÎÅ ÕÄÁÌÑÅÔÓÑ, ÔÁË ËÁË × ÏÂÏÉÈ ÓÌÕÞÁÑÈ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÐÏÐÙÔÁÅÔÓÑ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ÎÁÉ×ÙÓÛÅÅ ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎÉÅ ÉÚ ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÈ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/range_input_error Type: note Description: Please enter a comma-separated list of ranges or values. The valid syntax is a comma-separated list of discrete values, or a pair of values separated by a dash. Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÓÐÉÓÏË ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÚÁÐÑÔÙÍÉ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÊ ÉÌÉ ÄÉÁÐÁÚÏÎÏ×. ðÒÁ×ÉÌØÎÙÊ ÓÉÎÔÁËÓÉÓ - ÓÐÉÓÏË ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÚÁÐÑÔÙÍÉ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÊ ÉÌÉ ÐÁÒÁ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÊ, ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÔÉÒÅ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/mode-list Type: select Choices: 640x480 @ 60Hz, 640x480 @ 72Hz, 800x600 @ 60Hz, 800x600 @ 72Hz, 800x600 @ 85Hz, 1024x768 @ 60Hz, 1024x768 @ 70Hz, 1024x768 @ 75Hz, 1152x864 @ 75Hz, 1280x960 @ 60Hz, 1280x960 @ 85Hz, 1600x1200 @ 60Hz, 1600x1200 @ 75Hz, 1600x1200 @ 85Hz, 1792x1344 @ 60Hz, 1792x1344 @ 75Hz, 1856x1392 @ 60Hz, 1856x1392 @ 75Hz, 1920x1440 @ 60Hz, 1920x1440 @ 75Hz Default: 1280x960 @ 60Hz Description: Please select your monitor's best video mode. Choose the "best" resolution and refresh rate you believe your monitor capable of. Larger resolutions and refresh rates are better. If you use a CRT monitor, it is perfectly acceptable to select a "worse" video mode than your monitor's best if you wish. Users of LCD displays may also be able to do this, but only if both the video chipset and the driver support it; if in doubt, use the video mode recommended by the manufacturer of your LCD. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÎÁÉÌÕÞÛÉÊ ×ÉÄÅÏÒÅÖÉÍ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ "ÎÁÉÌÕÞÛÉÅ" ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎÉÅ É ÞÁÓÔÏÔÕ ËÁÄÒÏ× ÄÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. þÅÍ ÂÏÌØÛÅ ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎÉÅ É ÞÁÓÔÏÔÁ ËÁÄÒÏ×, ÔÅÍ ÌÕÞÛÅ. åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÅÔÅ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ Ó üìô, ÔÏ ÌÕÞÛÅ ×ÙÂÉÒÁÔØ ÒÅÖÉÍÙ ÎÅÓËÏÌØËÏ ÐÏÈÕÖÅ, ÞÅÍ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÄÅÒÖÁÔØ ×ÁÛ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ. ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ LCD ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÏ× ÍÏÇÕÔ ÔÏÖÅ ÔÁË ÓÄÅÌÁÔØ ÎÏ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÅÓÌÉ ×ÉÄÅÏÞÉÐÓÅÔ É ÄÒÁÊ×ÅÒ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÀÔ ÜÔÏ; ÅÓÌÉ ÎÅ Õ×ÅÒÅÎÙ ÔÏ ÌÕÞÛÅ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ×ÉÄÅÏÒÅÖÉÍ, ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÏ×ÁÎÎÙÊ ÐÒÏÉÚ×ÏÄÉÔÅÌÅÍ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/lcd Type: boolean Default: false Description: Is your monitor an LCD device? If your monitor is a liquid-crystal display (which is the case with almost all laptops), you should set this option. . Users of traditional cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitors should not set this option. Description-ru: õ ×ÁÓ öë-ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ? åÓÌÉ ×ÁÛ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ ÖÉÄËÏ-ËÒÉÓÔÁÌÌÉÞÅÓËÉÊ (ËÏÔÏÒÙÊ ÉÄÅÔ Ó ÐÒÁËÔÉÞÅÓËÉ ×ÓÅÍÉ ÎÏÕÔÂÕËÁÍÉ), ÔÏ ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÕÅÔÓÑ ÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ÉÔØ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ. . ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÔÒÁÄÉÃÉÏÎÎÙÈ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÏ× Ó ÜÌÅËÔÒÏÎÎÏ-ÌÕÞÅ×ÏÊ ÔÒÕÂËÏÊ ÎÅ ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ÕÓÔÁÎÁ×ÌÉ×ÁÔØ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/device/driver Type: select Choices: ${choices} Description: Select the desired X server driver. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÐÒÅÄÐÏÞÉÔÁÅÍÙÊ ÄÒÁÊ×ÅÒ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/keyboard/model Type: string Description: Please select your keyboard model. For the X server to handle your keyboard correctly, a keyboard model must be entered. Available models depend on which XKB rule set is in use. . The "pc101" keyboard is a traditional IBM PC/AT style keyboard with 101 keys, historically common in the United States. It does not have the "logo" or "menu" keys. . The "pc104" keyboard is like the pc101 model, with additional keys. These keys are usually engraved with a "logo" symbol (there is typically a pair of these, between each set of control and alt keys), and a "menu" key. . The "pc102" and "pc105" models are versions of the pc101 and pc104 keyboards, respectively, often found in Europe. . The "macintosh" model is for Macintosh keyboards where the kernel and console tools use the new input layer which uses Linux keycodes; "macintosh_old" is for Macintosh keyboard users who are not using the new input layer. . All of the above models use the "xfree86" rule set. . The "type4" and "type5" models are for Sun Type4 and Type5 keyboards, respectively. These models can only be used if the "sun" XKB rule set is in use. . Laptop keyboards often do not have as many keys as standalone models; laptop users should select the keyboard model most closely approximated by the above. . Advanced users can use any model defined by the selected XKB rule set. See the /etc/X11/xkb/rules directory for available rule sets. . Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally enter "pc104". Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÍÏÄÅÌØ ×ÁÛÅÊ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. þÔÏÂÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÒÁÂÏÔÁÌ Ó ×ÁÛÅÊ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÏÊ ËÏÒÒÅËÔÎÏ, ÎÕÖÎÏ ××ÅÓÔÉ ÍÏÄÅÌØ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÍÏÄÅÌÉ ÚÁ×ÉÓÑÔ ÏÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÅÍÏÇÏ ÎÁÂÏÒÁ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB. . ëÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÁ "pc101" - ÔÒÁÄÉÃÉÏÎÎÁÑ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÁ × ÓÔÉÌÅ IBM PC/AT ÓÏ 101 ËÌÁ×ÉÛÅÊ, ÉÓÔÏÒÉÞÅÓËÉ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÌÁÓØ × óûá. îÁ ÎÅÊ ÎÅÔ ËÌÁ×ÉÛ "ÍÅÎÀ" ÉÌÉ "ÌÏÇÏÔÉÐÁ". . ëÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÁ "pc104" ÐÏÈÏÖÁ ÎÁ ÍÏÄÅÌØ pc101, ÎÏ Ó ÄÏÐÏÌÎÉÔÅÌØÎÙÍÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁÍÉ. üÔÏ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁ Ó ÒÉÓÕÎËÏÍ "ÌÏÇÏÔÉÐÁ" (ÏÂÙÞÎÏ ÉÈ Ä×Å ÛÔÕËÉ, ÍÅÖÄÕ ËÁÖÄÏÊ ÐÁÒÏÊ ËÌÁ×ÉÛ control É alt) É ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁ "ÍÅÎÀ". . íÏÄÅÌÉ "pc102" É "pc105" - ÜÔÏ ×ÅÒÓÉÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ pc101 É pc104, ÓÏÏÔ×ÅÔÓÔ×ÅÎÎÏ, ÞÁÓÔÏ ÐÏÐÁÄÁÀÝÉÅÓÑ × å×ÒÏÐÅ. . íÏÄÅÌØ "macintosh" - ÄÌÑ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ Macintosh, × ËÏÔÏÒÏÊ ÑÄÒÏ É ÉÎÓÔÒÕÍÅÎÔÙ ËÏÎÓÏÌÉ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÀÔ ÎÏ×ÙÊ ÓÌÏÊ ××ÏÄÁ, ËÏÔÏÒÙÊ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÅÔ ËÏÄÙ ËÌÁ×ÉÛ Linux; "macintosh_old" - ÄÌÑ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ Macintosh, ËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ÎÅ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÀÔ ÎÏ×ÙÊ ÓÌÏÊ ××ÏÄÁ. . ÷ÓÅ ×ÙÛÅÐÒÉ×ÅÄÅÎÎÙÅ ÍÏÄÅÌÉ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÀÔ ÎÁÂÏÒ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ "xfree86". . íÏÄÅÌÉ "type4" É "type5" ÐÒÅÄÎÁÚÎÁÞÅÎÙ ÄÌÑ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ Sun Type4 É Type5 ÓÏÏÔ×ÅÔÓÔ×ÅÎÎÏ. üÔÉ ÍÏÄÅÌÉ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØÓÑ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÅÓÌÉ ×ÙÂÒÁÎ ÎÁÂÏÒ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB "sun". . ëÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ ÎÏÕÔÂÕËÏ× ÞÁÓÔÏ ÎÅ ÉÍÅÀÔ ÍÎÏÇÉÈ ËÌÁ×ÉÛ × ÏÔÌÉÞÉÅ ÏÔ ÎÁÓÔÏÌØÎÙÈ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒÏ×; ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑÍ ÎÏÕÔÂÕËÏ× ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÕÅÔÓÑ ×ÙÂÉÒÁÔØ ÍÏÄÅÌØ ÎÁÉÂÏÌÅÅ ÂÌÉÚËÕÀ. . ïÐÙÔÎÙÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ÌÀÂÕÀ ÍÏÄÅÌØ ÄÌÑ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÏÇÏ ÎÁÂÏÒÁ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB. äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÎÁÂÏÒÙ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ ÒÁÓÐÏÌÏÖÅÎÙ × ËÁÔÁÌÏÇÅ /etc/X11/xkb/rules. . ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÉÚ óûá ÏÂÙÞÎÏ ×ÙÂÉÒÁÀÔ "pc104". Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/write_files_section Type: boolean Default: true Description: Write default Files section to configuration file? The Files section of the X server configuration file tells the X server where to find server modules, the RGB color database, and font files. This option is for advanced users. In most cases, you should enable it. . Disable this option if you want to write your own "Files" section into the XFree86 server configuration file. You may wish to do this if you need to remove the reference to the local font server, add a reference to a different font server, or rearrange the default set of local font paths. Description-ru: ÷ÐÉÓÁÔØ × ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅÞÎÙÊ ÆÁÊÌ ÒÁÚÄÅÌ Files ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ? òÁÚÄÅÌ Files × ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅÞÎÏÍ ÆÁÊÌÅ ÕËÁÚÙ×ÁÅÔ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÕ X, ÇÄÅ ÉÓËÁÔØ ÍÏÄÕÌÉ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ, ÂÁÚÕ Ã×ÅÔÏ× RGB É ÆÁÊÌÙ ÛÒÉÆÔÏ×. üÔÏ ÎÅ ÄÌÑ ÎÏ×ÉÞËÏ×. ÷ ÂÏÌØÛÉÎÓÔ×Å ÓÌÕÞÁÅ× ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÕÅÔÓÑ ÜÔÏ ÒÁÚÒÅÛÉÔØ. . úÁÐÒÅÔÉÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ, ÅÓÌÉ ×Ù ÈÏÔÉÔÅ ÓÁÍÉ ÚÁÐÉÓÁÔØ ÒÁÚÄÅÌ Files × ÆÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ XFree86. ÷ÁÍ ÜÔÏ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÐÏÎÁÄÏÂÉÔØÓÑ, ÅÓÌÉ ×ÁÍ ÎÕÖÎÏ ÕÄÁÌÉÔØ ÓÓÙÌËÕ ÎÁ ÌÏËÁÌØÎÙÊ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ ÛÒÉÆÔÏ×, ÄÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ ÓÓÙÌËÕ ÎÁ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÎÙÊ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ ÛÒÉÆÔÏ× ÉÌÉ ÕËÁÚÁÔØ ÄÒÕÇÉÅ ÐÕÔÉ Ë ÆÁÊÌÁÍ ÛÒÉÆÔÏ×. Template: shared/xfree86v3/manage_config_with_debconf Type: boolean Default: true Description: Manage XFree86 3.x server configuration file with debconf? The /etc/X11/XF86Config file, which contains the configuration information for the XFree86 version 3 X servers, can be handled automatically by debconf, or manually by you. . Note that only specific, marked sections of the configuration file will be handled by debconf if you select this option; if those markers are absent, the configuration file will not be updated automatically, and you will have to update the file manually, or move or delete the file. Description-ru: õÐÒÁ×ÌÑÔØ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÊËÏÊ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ XFree86 3.x Ó ÐÏÍÏÝØÀ debconf? æÁÊÌ /etc/X11/XF86Config, ËÏÔÏÒÙÊ ÓÏÄÅÒÖÉÔ ÉÎÆÏÒÍÁÃÉÀ Ï ÎÁÓÔÒÏÊËÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÏ× XFree86 ×ÅÒÓÉÉ 3.x, ÍÏÖÅÔ ÉÚÍÅÎÑÔØÓÑ ÌÉÂÏ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ ÕÔÉÌÉÔÏÊ debconf, ÌÉÂÏ ×ÒÕÞÎÕÀ ×ÁÍÉ. . ïÂÒÁÔÉÔÅ ×ÎÉÍÁÎÉÅ, ÞÔÏ ÅÓÌÉ ×Ù ×ÙÂÅÒÅÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ, ÔÏ debconf ÂÕÄÅÔ ÏÂÒÁÂÁÔÙ×ÁÔØ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÏÓÏÂÙÅ, ÐÏÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÅ ÒÁÚÄÅÌÙ ÆÁÊÌÁ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË; ÅÓÌÉ ÜÔÉ ÐÏÍÅÔËÉ ÕÄÁÌÉÔØ, ÔÏ debconf ÎÅ ÓÍÏÖÅÔ Á×ÔÏÍÁÔÉÞÅÓËÉ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ Ó ÆÁÊÌÏÍ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË, É ×ÁÍ ÐÒÉÄÅÔÓÑ ×ÒÕÞÎÕÀ ×ÓÅ ÉÓÐÒÁ×ÌÑÔØ ÌÉÂÏ ÚÁÍÅÎÉÔØ ÆÁÊÌ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/retry_detection Type: boolean Description: Retry mouse device autodetection? A mouse (or compatible pointing device) was not detected. If you have a mouse attached to the computer, another attempt to detect it can be made; it may help to move the mouse while detection is attempted (also, the gpm program should not be running). If you would like to attach a mouse to your computer, you should shut down the system, turn off the computer, connect the mouse, turn the computer back on, and reboot. If you wish to select a mouse type manually, decline this option. Description-ru: ðÏ×ÔÏÒÉÔØ Á×ÔÏÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÅÎÉÅ ÍÙÛÉ? íÙÛØ (ÉÌÉ ÓÏÏÔ×ÅÔÓÔ×ÕÀÝÅÅ ÕËÁÚÙ×ÁÀÝÅÅ ÕÓÔÒÏÊÓÔ×Ï) ÎÅ ÎÁÊÄÅÎÁ. åÓÌÉ ÍÙÛØ ÐÏÄÓÏÅÄÉÎÅÎÁ Ë ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒÕ, ÔÏ ÍÏÖÎÏ ÐÏÐÙÔÁÔØÓÑ ÅÝÅ ÒÁÚ ÎÁÊÔÉ ÅÅ; ÐÒÉ Á×ÔÏÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÅÎÉÉ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÐÏÍÏÞØ ÐÅÒÅÍÅÝÅÎÉÅ ÍÙÛÉ ÐÏ ÓÔÏÌÕ (ÔÁËÖÅ ÎÅ ÄÏÌÖÎÁ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÁ gpm). åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÈÏÔÉÔÅ ÐÏÄËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÍÙÛØ PS/2 ÉÌÉ bus/inport, ÔÏ ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÕÅÔÓÑ ×ÙËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÓÉÓÔÅÍÕ, ÏÂÅÓÔÏÞÉÔØ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ, ÐÏÄËÌÀÞÉÔØ ÍÙÛØ, ÓÎÏ×Á ×ËÌÀÞÉÔØ ËÏÍÐØÀÔÅÒ É ÐÅÒÅÚÁÇÒÕÚÉÔØÓÑ. åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÈÏÔÉÔÅ ×ÙÂÒÁÔØ ÔÉÐ ÍÙÛÉ ×ÒÕÞÎÕÀ, ÔÏ ÐÒÏÐÕÓÔÉÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/keyboard/options Type: string Description: Please select your keyboard options. For the X server to handle your keyboard as you desire, keyboard options may be entered. Available options depend on which XKB rule set was previously selected. Not all options will work with every keyboard model and layout. . For example, if you wish the Caps Lock key to behave as an additional Control key, you may enter "ctrl:nocaps"; if you would like to switch the Caps Lock and left Control keys, you may enter "ctrl:swapcaps". You can also specify multiple options by separating them with commas; e.g., "ctrl:nocaps,alt:altismeta". . Advanced users can use any options compatible with the selected XKB model, layout and variant. See the /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory available options files, which define only partial keyboard translations. (For example, /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/ctrl.) . If you don't know what options to use, leave this entry blank. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÏÐÃÉÉ ×ÁÛÅÊ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. þÔÏÂÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÒÁÂÏÔÁÌ Ó ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÏÊ ËÁË ×ÁÍ ÎÒÁ×ÉÔÓÑ, ÎÕÖÎÏ ××ÅÓÔÉ ÏÐÃÉÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ×ÁÒÉÁÎÔÙ ÚÁ×ÉÓÑÔ ÏÔ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÏÇÏ ÒÁÎÅÅ ÎÁÂÏÒÁ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB. îÅ ×ÓÅ ÏÐÃÉÉ ÂÕÄÕÔ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ Ó ËÁÖÄÏÊ ÍÏÄÅÌØÀ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ ÉÌÉ ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÉ. . îÁÐÒÉÍÅÒ, ÅÓÌÉ ×Ù ÈÏÔÉÔÅ, ÞÔÏÂÙ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁ Caps Lock ×ÅÌÁ ÓÅÂÑ ËÁË ÅÝÅ ÏÄÎÁ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÁ Control, ÔÏ ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ××ÅÓÔÉ "ctrl:nocaps"; ÅÓÌÉ ×ÁÍ ÎÒÁ×ÉÔÓÑ ÐÅÒÅËÌÀÞÁÔØ Caps Lock É ÌÅ×ÕÀ ËÌÁ×ÉÛÕ Control, ÔÏ ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ××ÅÓÔÉ "ctrl:swapcaps". ÷Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÔÁËÖÅ ÕËÁÚÁÔØ ÎÅÓËÏÌØËÏ ÏÐÃÉÊ, ÒÁÚÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÈ ÚÁÐÑÔÙÍÉ, ÎÁÐÒÉÍÅÒ, "ctrl:nocaps,alt:altismeta". . ïÐÙÔÎÙÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ÌÀÂÙÅ ÏÐÃÉÉ, ÓÏ×ÍÅÓÔÉÍÙÅ Ó ×ÙÂÒÁÎÎÙÍÉ ÎÁÂÏÒÏÍ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB, ÒÁÓËÌÁÄËÏÊ É ×ÁÒÉÁÎÔÏÍ. óÍ. × ËÁÔÁÌÏÇÅ /etc/X11/xkb/symbols ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÆÁÊÌÙ ÏÐÃÉÊ, ËÏÔÏÒÙÅ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÑÀÔ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÞÁÓÔÉÞÎÙÅ ÔÒÁÎÓÌÑÃÉÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÙ. (îÁÐÒÉÍÅÒ, /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/ctrl) . åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÎÅ ÚÎÁÅÔÅ, ËÁËÉÅ ÏÐÃÉÉ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ, ÏÓÔÁ×ØÔÅ ÐÏÌÅ ÐÕÓÔÙÍ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/mouse/protocol Type: select Choices: ${choices} Description: Please choose the entry that best describes your mouse. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÓÔÒÏËÕ, ÎÁÉÂÏÌÅÅ ÐÏÄÈÏÄÑÝÕÀ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ÍÙÛÉ. Template: shared/no_known_x-server Type: note Description: No X server known for your video hardware. Either you have no video hardware installed on this machine (serial console only?), or the "discover" program was unable to determine which X server is appropriate for your video hardware. This could be due to incomplete information in discover's hardware database, or it could be that your video hardware is simply not supported by any available X servers. Description-ru: äÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏÁÐÐÁÒÁÔÕÒÙ ÎÅÔ ÐÏÄÈÏÄÑÝÅÇÏ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X. ìÉÂÏ ÎÁ ×ÁÛÅÊ ÍÁÛÉÎÅ ÎÅÔ ×ÉÄÅÏÁÐÐÁÒÁÔÕÒÙ (ÔÏÌØËÏ ËÏÎÓÏÌØ ÎÁ ÐÏÓÌÅÄÏ×ÁÔÅÌØÎÏÍ ÐÏÒÔÕ?), ÌÉÂÏ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÁ discover ÎÅ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÉÔØ ÎÁÉÂÏÌÅÅ ÐÏÄÈÏÄÑÝÉÊ ÄÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏÁÐÐÁÒÁÔÕÒÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X. üÔÏ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÂÙÔØ ÉÚ- ÚÁ ÎÅÐÏÌÎÏÊ ÉÎÆÏÒÍÁÃÉÉ × ÂÁÚÅ ÄÁÎÎÙÈ ÏÂÏÒÕÄÏ×ÁÎÉÑ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÙ discover, ÉÌÉ ÉÚ-ÚÁ ÔÏÇÏ, ÞÔÏ ×ÉÄÅÏÁÐÐÁÒÁÔÕÒÁ ÎÅ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÅÔ ÎÉ ÏÄÉÎ ÉÚ ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÈ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÏ× X. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/vendor Type: string Default: Generic Description: Enter the vendor name of your monitor. The X server configuration file associates your monitor with a name that you may provide. This identifier includes the brand or vendor name of your monitor, e.g., "Sony" or "Dell". Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÎÁÚ×ÁÎÉÅ ÐÒÏÉÚ×ÏÄÉÔÅÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. æÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X Ó×ÑÚÙ×ÁÅÔ ×ÁÛ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ Ó ÎÁÚ×ÁÎÉÅÍ, ËÏÔÏÒÏÅ ×Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÐÒÅÄÏÓÔÁ×ÉÔØ. üÔÏÔ ÉÄÅÎÔÉÆÉËÁÔÏÒ ×ËÌÀÞÁÅÔ ÉÍÑ ÐÒÏÉÚ×ÏÄÉÔÅÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ, ÎÁÐÒ., "Sony" ÉÌÉ "Dell". Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/identifier Type: string Default: Generic Monitor Description: Enter an identifier for your monitor. The X server configuration file associates your monitor with a name that you may provide. This is usually the vendor or brand name followed by the model name, e.g., "Sony E200" or "Dell E770s". Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÉÍÑ ÐÒÏÉÚ×ÏÄÉÔÅÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. æÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X Ó×ÑÚÙ×ÁÅÔ ×ÁÛÕ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ Ó ÉÍÅÎÅÍ, ËÏÔÏÒÏÅ ×Ù ÍÏÖÅÔÅ ÐÒÅÄÏÓÔÁ×ÉÔØ. üÔÏÔ ÉÄÅÎÔÉÆÉËÁÔÏÒ ×ËÌÀÞÁÅÔ ÎÁÉÍÅÎÏ×ÁÎÉÅ ÍÁÒËÉ ÉÌÉ ÎÁÚ×ÁÎÉÅ ÐÒÏÉÚ×ÏÄÉÔÅÌÑ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ, ÎÁÐÒ., "Sony E200" ÉÌÉ "Dell E770s". Template: shared/xfree86v3/move_existing_nondebconf_config Type: boolean Default: false Description: Replace existing XFree86 3.x configuration file? The existing /etc/X11/XF86Config file currently on the system does not contain a marked section for debconf to write its data. . If you select this option, the existing XFree86 3.x server configuration file will be backed up to /etc/X11/XF86Config.debconf-backup, and a new file written to /etc/X11/XF86Config. If you do not select this option, the existing configuration file will not be managed by debconf, and no further questions about XFree86 3.x server configuration will be asked. Description-ru: úÁÍÅÎÉÔØ ÓÕÝÅÓÔ×ÕÀÝÉÊ ÆÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË XFree86 3.x? óÕÝÅÓÔ×ÕÀÝÉÊ ÆÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË /etc/X11/XF86Config ÎÅ ÓÏÄÅÒÖÉÔ ÐÏÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÈ ÄÌÑ ÒÁÂÏÔÙ debconf ÒÁÚÄÅÌÏ×. . åÓÌÉ ×Ù ×ÙÂÅÒÅÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ, ÔÏ ÓÕÝÅÓÔ×ÕÀÝÉÊ ÆÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÂÕÄÅÔ ÓÏÈÒÅÎÅÎ × /etc/X11/XF86Config.debconf-backup, Á ÎÏ×ÙÊ - ÚÁÐÉÓÁÎ × ÆÁÊÌ /etc/X11/XF86Config. åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÎÅ ×ÙÂÅÒÅÔÅ ÜÔÕ ÏÐÃÉÀ, ÔÏ ÓÕÝÅÓÔ×ÕÀÝÉÊ ÆÁÊÌ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÅË ÎÅ ÂÕÄÅÔ ÏÂÓÌÕÖÉ×ÁÔØÓÑ debconf É ÄÁÌØÎÅÊÛÉÅ ×ÏÐÒÏÓÙ ÐÏ ÎÁÓÔÒÏÊËÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ XFree86 3.x ×ÁÍ ÚÁÄÁÎÙ ÎÅ ÂÕÄÕÔ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/inputdevice/keyboard/rules Type: string Description: Please select the XKB rule set to use. For the X server to handle your keyboard correctly, an XKB rule set must be chosen. . Users of most keyboards should enter "xfree86". Users of Sun Type 4 and Type 5 keyboards, however, should enter "sun". . Advanced users can use any defined XKB rule set. See the /etc/X11/xkb/rules directory for available rule sets. . If you don't know what rule set to use, enter "xfree86". Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÎÁÂÏÒ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB. þÔÏÂÙ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒ X ÒÁÂÏÔÁÌ Ó ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒÏÊ ËÁË ×ÁÍ ÎÒÁ×ÉÔÓÑ, ÎÕÖÎÏ ×ÙÂÒÁÔØ ÎÁÂÏÒ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB. . ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ Ó ÂÏÌØÛÉÎÓÔ×ÏÍ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ ×ÙÂÅÒÕÔ "xfree86". ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ËÌÁ×ÉÁÔÕÒ Sun Type 4 É Type 5, ÏÄÎÁËÏ, ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ×ÙÂÒÁÔØ "sun". . ïÐÙÔÎÙÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ÌÀÂÏÊ ÏÐÒÅÄÅÌÅÎÎÙÊ ÎÁÂÏÒ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB. äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÎÁÂÏÒÙ ÐÒÁ×ÉÌ XKB ÍÏÖÎÏ ÎÁÊÔÉ × ËÁÔÁÌÏÇÅ /etc/X11/xkb/rules. . åÓÌÉ ×Ù ÎÅ ÚÎÁÅÔÅ, ÞÔÏ ×ÙÂÒÁÔØ, ÔÏ ××ÅÄÉÔÅ "xfree86". Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/display/default_bpp Type: select Choices: 8, 15, 16, 24, 32 Default: 32 Description: Please select your desired number of bits per pixel. The number of bits per pixel is related to, but not identical to, your color depth. (This is because data transfers on the system bus occur aligned on 1, 2, 4, or 8-byte boundaries. E.g., 24 bits of color data may share a 32-bit unit with 8 bits of alpha channel or simple zero padding; this is what some call "32-bit color", even though there are only 24 bits of color information.) Not all X servers (or drivers) support all of these values. . Usually 24-bit color is desirable, but on graphics cards with limited amounts of framebuffer memory, higher resolutions may be achieved at the expense of higher color depth. Consult your video card manual for more information. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÐÒÅÄÐÏÞÉÔÁÅÍÏÅ ËÏÌÉÞÅÓÔ×Ï ÂÉÔ ÎÁ ÔÏÞËÕ. ëÏÌÉÞÅÓÔ×Ï ÂÉÔ ÎÁ ÔÏÞËÕ ÏÔÎÏÓÉÔÓÑ, ÎÏ ÎÅ ÉÄÅÎÔÉÞÎÏ, ÇÌÕÂÉÎÅ Ã×ÅÔÁ. (üÔÏ ÐÏÔÏÍÕ, ÞÔÏ ÄÁÎÎÙÅ, ÐÅÒÅÄÁ×ÁÅÍÙÅ ÓÉÓÔÅÍÎÏÊ ÛÉÎÏÊ ×ÙÒÁÎ×ÎÉ×ÁÀÔÓÑ ÐÏ ÇÒÁÎÉÃÅ 1, 2, 4 ÉÌÉ 8 ÂÁÊÔ. îÁÐÒÉÍÅÒ, × ÓÌÕÞÁÅ 24-ÂÉÔÎÏÇÏ Ã×ÅÔÁ 32-ÂÉÔÎÙÊ ÂÌÏË ÍÏÖÅÔ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ 8 ÌÉÛÎÉÈ ÂÉÔ ÄÌÑ ÁÌØÆÁ-ËÁÎÁÌÁ ÉÌÉ ÐÒÏÓÔÏ ËÁË 0; ÜÔÏ ÎÅËÏÔÏÒÙÍÉ ÎÁÚÙ×ÁÅÔÓÑ "32-ÂÉÔÎÙÊ Ã×ÅÔ", ÈÏÔÑ ÄÌÑ ÐÅÒÅÄÁÞÉ Ã×ÅÔÁ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÕÅÔÓÑ ÔÏÌØËÏ 24 ÂÉÔÁ.) îÅ ×ÓÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÁ X ÉÌÉ ÄÒÁÊ×ÅÒÁ ÐÏÄÄÅÒÖÉ×ÁÀÔ ×ÓÅ ÜÔÉ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÑ. . ïÂÙÞÎÏ 24ÂÉÔÎÙÊ Ã×ÅÔ ÎÁÉÂÏÌÅÅ ÐÒÅÄÐÏÞÔÉÔÅÌÅÎ, ÎÏ ÎÁ ÇÒÁÆÉÞÅÓËÉÈ ËÁÒÔÁÈ Ó ÏÇÒÁÎÉÞÅÎÎÙÍ ÏÂßÅÍÏÍ ÐÁÍÑÔÉ ×ÙÓÏËÉÅ ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎÉÑ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÕÍÅÎØÛÁÔØ ÇÌÕÂÉÎÕ Ã×ÅÔÁ. ïÂÒÁÔÉÔÅÓØ Ë ÒÕËÏ×ÏÄÏÓÔ×Õ ÐÏ ×ÁÛÅÊ ×ÉÄÅÏËÁÒÔÅ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/monitor/selection-method Type: select Choices: ${choices} Default: ${default} Description: Please choose a method for selecting your monitor characteristics. For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, certain characteristics of your monitor must be known. . For the "simple" option, you need only know the monitor's physical size; this will set some configuration values appropriate for a typical CRT of the corresponding size, but may be suboptimal for high-quality CRT's. (This option is disabled for LCD panel users, since such displays are configured for a particular resolution.) . The "medium" option will present you with a list of resolutions and refresh rates, such as "800x600 @ 85Hz"; you should choose the the best mode you wish to use (and that you know your monitor is capable of). . The "advanced" option will let you specify your monitor's horizontal sync and vertical refresh tolerances directly. Description-ru: ÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÓÐÏÓÏ ×ÙÂÏÒÁ ÈÁÒÁËÔÅÒÉÓÔÉË ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. äÌÑ ÔÏÇÏ, ÞÔÏÂÙ ÇÒÁÆÉÞÅÓËÉÊ ÉÎÔÅÒÆÅÊÓ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ X Window System ÒÁÂÏÔÁÌ ËÏÒÒÅËÔÎÏ, ÎÕÖÎÏ ÚÎÁÔØ ÔÏÞÎÙÅ ÈÁÒÁËÔÅÒÉÓÔÉËÉ ×ÁÛÅÇÏ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ. . äÌÑ ÏÐÃÉÉ "simple" ×ÁÍ ÎÕÖÅÎ ÔÏÌØËÏ ÆÉÚÉÞÅÓËÉÊ ÒÁÚÍÅÒ ÜËÒÁÎÁ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÁ; ÄÒÕÇÉÅ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÑ × ÜÔÏÍ ÓÌÕÞÁÅ ÂÕÄÕÔ ×ÙÂÒÁÎÙ ÐÏ ÈÁÒÁËÔÅÒÉÓÔÉËÁÍ ÏÂÙÞÎÙÈ üìô ÓÏÏÔ×ÅÔÓÔ×ÕÀÝÉÈ ÒÁÚÍÅÒÏ×, ÎÏ ÜÔÏÔ ÍÅÔÏÄ ÍÏÖÅÔ ÎÅ ÐÏÌÎÏÓÔØÀ ÉÓÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔØ ×ÏÚÍÏÖÎÏÓÔÉ ÂÏÌÅÅ ×ÙÓÏËÏËÁÞÅÓÔ×ÅÎÎÙÈ üìô. (üÔÁ ÏÐÃÉÑ ÎÅ ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÁ ÄÌÑ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÅÊ öë-ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÏ×, ÔÁË ËÁË ÜÔÉ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒÙ ÍÏÇÕÔ ÒÁÂÏÔÁÔØ ÔÏÌØËÏ × ÏÄÎÏÍ ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎÉÉ.) . ïÐÃÉÑ "medium" ÐÒÅÄÏÓÔÁ×ÉÔ ×ÁÍ ÓÐÉÓÏË ÒÁÚÒÅÛÅÎÉÊ É ÞÁÓÔÏÔ ÏÂÎÏ×ÌÅÎÉÊ ËÁÄÒÏ× × ×ÉÄÅ "800x600 @ 85Hz"; ÒÅËÏÍÅÎÄÕÅÔÓÑ ×ÙÂÒÁÔØ ÎÁÉÌÕÞÛÉÊ ÒÅÖÉÍ ÐÏ ×ÁÛÅÍÕ ×ËÕÓÕ (É ËÏÔÏÒÙÊ ÓÍÏÖÅÔ ÐÏÔÑÎÕÔØ ×ÁÛ ÍÏÎÉÔÏÒ). . ïÐÃÉÑ "advanced" ÐÏÚ×ÏÌÉÔ ×ÁÍ ÕËÁÚÁÔØ ÄÏÐÕÓÔÉÍÙÅ ÇÒÁÎÉÃÙ ÄÉÁÐÁÚÏÎÏ× ×ÅÒÔÉËÁÌØÎÏÊ É ÇÏÒÉÚÏÎÔÁÌØÎÏÊ ÞÁÓÔÏÔ. Template: shared/xfree86v3/config/null_string_error Type: note Description: Please enter a value for the entry. A null entry is not permitted. Description-ru: ÷×ÅÄÉÔÅ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÅ ÄÌÑ ÄÁÎÎÏÇÏ ÐÕÎËÔÁ. ðÕÓÔÏÅ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÅ ÎÅ ÄÏÐÕÓËÁÅÔÓÑ. --wac7ysb48OaltWcw-- --------------------------------------- Received: (at 136138-done) by; 12 Oct 2003 22:16:43 +0000 >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Oct 12 17:16:40 2003 Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Received: from ( [] by with esmtp (Exim 3.35 1 (Debian)) id 1A8oQK-00013R-00; Sun, 12 Oct 2003 17:10:49 -0500 Received: by (Postfix, from userid 1000) id 416A96425A; Sun, 12 Oct 2003 17:10:47 -0500 (EST) Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 17:10:46 -0500 From: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: support for XFree86 3.x discontinued Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1; protocol="application/pgp-signature"; boundary="nhAUiXSLan16V5i8" Content-Disposition: inline User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.4i Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Spam-Status: No, hits=1.4 required=4.0 tests=BAYES_30,DOMAIN_4U2,MAILTO_TO_SPAM_ADDR version=2.53-bugs.debian.org_2003_10_09 X-Spam-Level: * X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.53-bugs.debian.org_2003_10_09 ( --nhAUiXSLan16V5i8 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable The Debian Project has terminated support for version XFree86 3.x of the XFree86 distribution of the X Window System. Before reading further, please note that this message refers only to version 3.x of XFree86. Support for the 4.x release series of XFree86 continues. The reasons for this decision are several: + Most hardware that was supported by the XFree86 3.x X servers is now supported by XFree86 4.x. + Much hardware that is not supported with a chipset-specific driver in XFree86 4.x can be used with the "vesa" or, at worst "vga" drivers in XFree86 4.x. Furthermore, those using the Linux kernel's framebuffer console driver have the "fbdev" driver option. + XFree86 3.x is not maintained upstream. See: + Perhaps most importantly, Debian is unable to muster support for backporting security fixes to the XFree86 3.x source tree. The Debian Project cannot in clear conscience continue to distribute software that is known to have flaws. Because of the above, all outstanding reports regarding XFree86 3.x are being closed. The packages have been removed from the unstable distribution, and will not appear in the next Debian release. Most of the outstanding problems against Debian's XFree86 3.x packages should be resolved in XFree86 4.x, and I urge you to upgrade to XFree86 4.x as soon as possible if you have not already. The XFree86 X server was rearchitected for the XFree86 4.x and has at this point seen a few more years' worth of testing, debugging, and improvement. The only release of the Debian operating system currently supported is Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 ("woody"). To upgrade to XFree86 4.x on your system, install the following metapackage, which depends on most components of the XFree86 distribution you are likely to use: # apt-get install x-window-system (You may, of course, use a front-end to the Debian package management system other than "apt-get" if that is your preference.) There are only two groups of people being "left out in the cold" with termination of this support: 1) People who require versions of the X libraries linked against libc5. If you continue to require this, please file a wishlist bug against the "xfree86" package (after checking to see that no one else has already done so, of course -- I recommend the "reportbug" package and command of the same name for bug reporting). If a Debian developer can be found who is willing to support this feature, it will be added. (I myself cannot adequately support libc5 versions of the X libraries, as I do not own an x86-compatible machine on which to test such packages.) If no volunteer can be found, you may wish do so yourself; upstream does continue to support libc5 configurations, so the task should not be insuperable -- if you are interested, please join the X Strike Force. See the following URL for more information: 2) People whose hardware was supported (possibly with access to hardware acceleration of 2D drawing operations) under XFree86 3.x but which is not under XFree86 4.x. To determine the support status of your video hardware, identify the make and model of your video chipset (if you have a removable video card, this is not necessarily the same thing as the make and model of the video card itself). If you have a PCI video card, the command "lspci | grep VGA" should reveal this information. If you have video card that plugs into an ISA, VESA local, or other bus, the output of the XFree86 3.x X server you use is probably the best guide to identifying your chipset. Once you know the make and model of your video chipset, consult the following URLs to determine its support status in XFree86 4.x: For Debian 3.0/stable/woody: For Debian testing/sarge: For Debian unstable/sid: For Debian experimental: (XFree86 4.3.0 is planned for inclusion in the next release of Debian, but as it is not out of "experimental" yet, a pessimist would count on nothing newer than XFree86 4.2.1 being in the next release of Debian.) A) If your video chipset is not supported at all, or is not supported in a Debian archive you are willing to upgrade to (e.g., upgrading to experimental can be a risky business and in any case will require a newer version of the C library than is available than is in Debian 3.0), then you should try the "vesa" or "vga" XFree86 video drivers to see if you can achieve comparable support. If even the "vesa" or "vga" drivers do not work with your video hardware, please file a bug with the Debian Bug Tracking System against the "xserver-xfree86" package using "reportbug". Using the "reportbug" package and command will automatically include information that is often extremely useful for resolving the problem. You may also wish to file a bug with XFree86's Bugzilla bug tracking system, which was recently inaugurated. Here is the URL: B) If your video chipset is supported, but misbehaves, please file a bug describing the problem with the Debian Bug Tracking System against the "xserver-xfree86" package using "reportbug". Using the "reportbug" package and command will automatically include information that is often extremely useful for resolving the problem. You may also wish to file a bug with XFree86's Bugzilla bug tracking system, which was recently inaugurated. Here is the URL: Please do not reopen these bugs, even to reassign them. The vast majority of them are so old that even if they continue to apply to XFree86 4.x, the massive changes in the X server codebase make it extremely likely that the actual bug is somewhat different (in cause, if not in effect.) Furthermore, in Debian "testing" and later, there is an xserver-xfree86-dbg package that can often be used to identify the exact line of source code that leads to, for example, a server crash. It's better, therefore, to start from scratch with these bugs. Thanks for your patience with this long message. If you don't know why you're receiving this message, then you may wish to scan the following list of bugs filed against Debian's XFree86 3.x packages which are being closed by this message. It may be that an old email address which you have not used in a while is listed. # #195609: xfree86v3: FTBFS with gcc-3.3: Invalid preprocessor pasting # Package: xfree86v3; Severity: serious; Reported by: Daniel Schepler <sche= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: patch; 133 days old. # #208335: FTBFS: as consequence of altgcc problem # Package: xfree86v3; Severity: serious; Reported by: Francesco Paolo Lover= gine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 40 days old. # #60145: xserver-fbdev: SEGV in miRegionDestroy() - on PowerPC # Package: xserver-fbdev; Severity: important; Reported by: "C.M. Connelly"= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 216 days old. # #70094: xserver-fbdev: SEGV in ipl2p4FillBoxTile32() on Atari Falcon 030 = with Centurbo II # Package: xserver-fbdev; Severity: important; Reported by: didier.mequigno= [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Didier MEQUIGNON); Tags: upstream; 3 years and 46 days old. # #77232: xserver-fbdev: SEGV on Acorn RiscPC when server changes bpp of di= splay on start up and draws root window beyond the end of VRAM # Package: xserver-fbdev; Severity: important; Reported by: Nicholas Clark = <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 330 days old. # #99240: xserver-svga: crashes when font server removed from font path wit= h xset # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: important; Reported by: Raphael Manfredi= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 135 days old. # #100712: xserver-fbdev: console locks on server startup while checking mo= des against monitor on NetWinder DM # Package: xserver-fbdev; Severity: important; Reported by: Marko Dinic <md= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 121 days old. # #130870: xserver-svga fails to generate a XF86Config # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: important; Reported by: Jordi Mallach <j= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1 year and 259 days old. # #137752: xfree86v3 fails to build from source on powerpc # Package: xfree86v3; Severity: important; Reported by: Stephen R Marenka <= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: sid; 1 year and 215 days old. # #139523: building on arm (and probably others) fails # Package: xfree86v3; Severity: important; Reported by: Othmar Pasteka <pas= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: help, upstream; 1 year and 204 days old. # #140329: xserver-mach64: SEGV every few days on Mach 64 GB rev 92 # Package: xserver-mach64; Severity: important; Reported by: Chris Fearnley= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1 year and 198 days old. # #148611: xserver-fbdev does not work work on Wallstreet PowerBook G3 # Package: xserver-fbdev; Severity: important; Reported by: Jaime cristerna= Avila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1 year and 134 days old. # #710: xserver-s3: problems with hardware cursor on S3 924-based card # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: = upstream; 8 years and 195 days old. # #4056: xserver-s3: mouse cursor appears offset from where it "actually" is # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 7= years and 68 days old. # #4066: xserver-s3: display is wrapped around # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 7= years and 67 days old. # #5925: xserver-s3: can crash X server using ctwm and ghostview # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: Eric Delaunay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 6 years and 305 days old. # #7370: xserver-s3v: X server hangs when using Netscape # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Gordon Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 6 years and 242 days old. # #7554: xserver-w32: X server comes up with blank screen # Package: xserver-w32; Reported by: "Richard D. Hamlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] g>; Tags: upstream; 6 years and 233 days old. # #10119: xserver-s3v: xtris creates artifacts in 16bpp mode # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstrea= m; 6 years and 140 days old. # #10508: X lockup # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: unrepro= ducible, upstream; 6 years and 124 days old. # #10964: xserver-mach64: restarting xfs with an X server connected causes = the X server to eat 100% of the CPU # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags:= upstream; merged with #15934; 6 years and 104 days old. # #11011: xserver-i128: rectangle of black pixels follows pointer around, a= nd garbage in xterm when scrolling # Package: xserver-i128; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; = 6 years and 102 days old. # #12059: xserver-s3: has wrong timing limits for ELSA Winner1000Pro # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: "Heiko R. Selber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 6 years and 61 days old. # #12213: xserver-vga16: server can block reserved ports # Package: xserver-vga16; Reported by: "Christian Hudon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ca>; Tags: upstream; 6 years and 52 days old. # #13452: xserver-s3: Unknown S3 chipset # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 6 ye= ars and 15 days old. # #13694: xserver-s3: Display wraps with 3.3-6 # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstr= eam; 6 years and 6 days old. # #15934: xserver-mach64: server busy waits or coredumps when xfs dies # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Avery Pennarun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; merged with #10964; 5 years and 303 days old. # #17162: xserver-w32: dies with use of num pad # Package: xserver-w32; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream;= 5 years and 271 days old. # #17191: xserver-s3v: strange black pixel using courier 18 # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Andrea Arcangeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED] =2Eit>; Tags: upstream; 5 years and 270 days old. # #17338: xserver-s3: wrong clockchip identifier # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 5= years and 265 days old. # #17374: xserver-mach32: X server can't detect memory aperture on VL-bus s= ystems using glibc # Package: xserver-mach32; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: ups= tream, wontfix; 5 years and 264 days old. # #18697: xserver-s3: Xserver keeps on dying # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: Behan Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED] m>; Tags: upstream; 5 years and 227 days old. # #20236: xserver-s3v: "s3ImageReadNoMem called, please report" # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Francesco Potorti` <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 5 years and 201 days old. # #21340: xserver-agx: X server doesn't switch consoles # Package: xserver-agx; Reported by: Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; = Tags: moreinfo, upstream; 5 years and 178 days old. # #22931: xserver-svga: cursor corruption and crash # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags= : upstream; 5 years and 138 days old. # #24069: xserver-i128: problem with console restoration when running two i= nstances of XF86_I128 # Package: xserver-i128; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 5 years= and 106 days old. # #24882: xext: [xie] statically linked against ancient version of J= PEG library # Package: xext; Reported by: Topi Miettinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tag= s: upstream, wontfix; 5 years and 83 days old. # #24982: xserver-s3v: server crashes # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Francesco Potorti` <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 5 years and 81 days old. # #25115: xserver-i128: screen blanks after VC switching # Package: xserver-i128; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 5 years= and 77 days old. # #25287: xserver-svga: X server exits with: Cannot open mouse (Device or r= esource busy) # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "Gregory S. Stark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;= Tags: upstream; 5 years and 72 days old. # #26175: xserver-mach64: memory leak, unable to access shared memory # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstr= eam; 5 years and 47 days old. # #26486: xserver-svga: xfmix completely stops X server # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Ondrej Palkovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>= ; Tags: upstream; 5 years and 36 days old. # #26762: xserver-svga: server crashes # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upst= ream; merged with #26829; 5 years and 27 days old. # #26829: xserver-svga: server crashes # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upst= ream; merged with #26762; 5 years and 25 days old. # #28377: xserver-mach64: DrawLine protocol element misinterpreted # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Marc Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>= ; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 356 days old. # #28468: xserver-svga: startx halts system when executed second time # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Michael Below <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 355 days old. # #28809: xserver-svga: server uses up all available CPU cycles # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "L. F." <[EMAIL PROTECTED] =2Ecom>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 345 days old. # #30454: xserver-s3v: staroffice 5.0 installation lockup the server # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Andrea Arcangeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; = Tags: upstream; merged with #32931; 4 years and 310 days old. # #31021: xserver-s3v: X server crashes when font servers crash # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: ups= tream; 4 years and 294 days old. # #31397: xext: [joycal] no manpage for joycal # Package: xext; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream, wontfix; = 4 years and 283 days old. # #32048: xserver-svga: [tvga8900] server malfunctions on Trident 9440 # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "H. S. Teoh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>= ; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 268 days old. # #32931: xserver-s3v: Staroffice 5 deadlock # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Andrea Arcangeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; = Tags: upstream; merged with #30454; 4 years and 250 days old. # #33178: xext: [wacom] input module causes SEGV in X server # Package: xext; Reported by: Chris Leishman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: up= stream, wontfix; 4 years and 245 days old. # #33735: xserver-svga: server spews data on console and starts on wrong tt= y during init # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Adam Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags:= upstream; 4 years and 232 days old. # #34020: xserver-svga: server causes general protection fault # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Jonathan H N Chin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 225 days old. # #34861: xserver-s3v: problem when using xdvi with xserver-s3v # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Djalil Chafai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>= ; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 206 days old. # #35475: xserver-svga: rvplayer display distorts with black grid lines # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 4 years and 194 = days old. # #36186: xserver-s3: xv's visual schnauzer has colormap problems at 1280x1= 024x8bpp # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vit = Kudrle); Tags: upstream; 4 years and 180 days old. # #36467: xserver-svga: [mga] multiple local servers cause spontaneous VT s= witching # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Shao Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: u= pstream; merged with #37181; 4 years and 174 days old. # #37181: xserver-svga: [mga] multiple local managed X servers causes unpro= voked VC switching # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "G. Angely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upst= ream; merged with #36467; 4 years and 161 days old. # #37871: xserver-svga: server seems to magically insert an invalid mode no= t specified in XF86Config # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Madarasz Gergely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 149 days old. # #37960: xserver-i128: CTRL-ALT-\ kills X server just like CTRL-ALT-BKSP # Package: xserver-i128; Reported by: "Mark W. Eichin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; T= ags: upstream; 4 years and 147 days old. # #39022: xserver-s3v: system locks up swapping from graphics to text mode # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: John Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>= ; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 129 days old. # #39069: xserver-svga: server temporarily consumes massive amounts of memo= ry, may crash # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 4 = years and 128 days old. # #39289: xserver-mach64: Mucks up the permissions on tty device # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Chris Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 125 days old. # #40009: xserver-svga: hardware mouse cursor background color unsettable # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: up= stream; 4 years and 112 days old. # #40151: xext: [wacom] pad's vertical resolution does not match screen # Package: xext; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream, wontfi= x; 4 years and 110 days old. # #41034: xemacs: X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window para= meter) # Packages: xserver-s3v, xemacs21-mule-canna-wnn, gnome-panel, ssh, enlight= enment; Reported by: "Darren/Torin/Who Ever..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 4 years a= nd 96 days old. # #42537: xserver-3dlabs: parts of root window not displayed with bpp # Package: xserver-3dlabs; Reported by: "Darren/Torin/Who Ever..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 68 days old. # #43664: xserver-mach64: fix for mach64im.c (sparc related?) # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; = Tags: upstream; 4 years and 46 days old. # #43685: xserver-mach64: Reports errors when switching between X and conso= le # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: peter karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] =2Ese>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 45 days old. # #43963: xserver-svga: [chips] wdm cannot restart server when in 16bpp mod= e on C&T 65548 # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstre= am; 4 years and 41 days old. # #44002: xserver-svga: [s3v] running two X servers does not work very well= with S3 ViRGE DX PCI # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: up= stream; 4 years and 41 days old. # #44074: xserver-svga: keyboard gets corrupted in X # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Alvaro Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags= : upstream; 4 years and 40 days old. # #44645: xserver-mach64: System hangs when... # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags= : upstream; 4 years and 34 days old. # #44702: xserver-i128: blanks screen and chews up CPU # Package: xserver-i128; Reported by: Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upst= ream; 4 years and 34 days old. # #44990: xserver-svga: [s3v] fonts corrupted with ViRGE/DX card # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Andrew Howell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 30 days old. # #44999: xserver-svga: [s3v] server locks up on S3 Trio3D # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Adam Constabaris <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 30 days old. # #45157: xserver-i128: does not display # Package: xserver-i128; Reported by: Scott Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: u= pstream; 4 years and 28 days old. # #45216: xserver-mach64: build fix for PowerPC # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags:= patch, upstream; 4 years and 27 days old. # #46240: xserver-s3: doesn't support DGA? # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] du; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 14 days old. # #47105: xserver-svga: server won't start # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Ron Farrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;= 4 years and 2 days old. # #47145: xserver-svga: SEGV when running wmaker and gqmpeg # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "M. Robert Tomasch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 2 days old. # #47741: xserver-svga: gmc root icons in wmaker crash the X server # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 3= years and 360 days old. # #49131: xserver-svga: recent release has made psmouse less stable # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Matt Swift <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 3 ye= ars and 343 days old. # #49447: xserver-svga: server crashes after killing a hung program with th= e mouse grabbed # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Colin Phipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED] om>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 340 days old. # #49602: xserver-svga: [tdfx] Voodoo3 redraw problem # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 3 yea= rs and 339 days old. # #50257: xserver-svga: mouse cursor looks funny when switching back from V= T and pointer is over any netscape-like browser # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; = 3 years and 332 days old. # #50624: xserver-svga: hangs when switching to graphic mode # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "Tumyp S. Sattarov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] org>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 328 days old. # #51799: xserver-svga: 320x200 and 320x240 modes don't work # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; = Tags: upstream; 3 years and 315 days old. # #52406: xserver-svga: VideoRam probe changed # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "Jeremy C. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;= Tags: upstream; 3 years and 307 days old. # #52427: xserver-common-v3: configuration generated by xf86config-v3 for I= SO9995-1 keyboard layout does not work # Package: xserver-common-v3; Reported by: "David Huggins-Daines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: moreinfo, upstream; 3 years and 307 days old. # #52811: xserver-s3v: Savage support not included in 3.3.5 ? # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Gregor Hoffleit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 302 days old. # #53077: xserver-svga: [mga] does not contain mga2064w drivers # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream= ; 3 years and 298 days old. # #53272: xserver-svga: [s3_savage] S3 Savage4 discoloration # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Kamal Mahyuddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; = Tags: upstream; 3 years and 295 days old. # #53646: xserver-mach64: noise which goes away with fbcon-mach64 # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Kevin Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED] edu>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 289 days old. # #53790: xserver-svga: XGrabButton() can trigger DPMS events # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: John Dalbec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags= : upstream; 3 years and 286 days old. # #53945: xserver-svga: [s3v] S3 Trio3D doesn't work with certain libc bina= ry # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: moreinfo= ; 3 years and 283 days old. # #55018: xserver-mach64: warning from server: mach64ProgramClkMach64CT: Wa= rning: Q < 10.66666667 # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Zack Weinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED] m>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 273 days old. # #55224: xserver-svga: fonts flicker # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Ulrich Hansmair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 271 days old. # #55593: xserver-svga: xshipwars reproducibly crashes the server on startup # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: James Troup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags:= upstream; 3 years and 267 days old. # #55653: xserver-svga: [tdfx] Voodoo3 redraw fails # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 3 yea= rs and 266 days old. # #55900: xserver-mach64: hangs machine in apm suspend # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Olaf Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 264 days old. # #55981: xserver-svga: OffTime config setting in XF86Config does not seem = to work # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Shao Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tag= s: upstream; 3 years and 263 days old. # #56007: xserver-svga: [mga] max pixel clock for MGA G400 is 250 MHz # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream;= 3 years and 263 days old. # #56371: xserver-svga: barcode-like fonts # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: C. van Kesteren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags:= upstream; merged with #56406, #58517; 3 years and 258 days old. # #56406: xserver-svga: messed up fonts with Diamond Stealth (S3) # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Alan Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags= : upstream; merged with #56371, #58517; 3 years and 258 days old. # #56633: xserver-svga: server crashes every 49.7 days # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Tomasz Motylewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 256 days old. # #57541: xserver-svga: vertical artifacts; columns of pixels displaced to = the left or right # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Kerne Fahey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags= : upstream; 3 years and 246 days old. # #57818: xserver-svga: postinst asks to create file when it already exists # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Brian Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 3 yea= rs and 244 days old. # #57837: xserver-svga: crashes when switching between X and console # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: u= pstream; 3 years and 243 days old. # #58393: xserver-svga: Segmentation Fault # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "Tumyp S. Sattarov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] org>; 3 years and 237 days old. # #58517: xserver-svga: [r128] fonts messed up under acceleration on ATI Ra= ge 128 VR # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Matt Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags:= upstream; merged with #56371, #56406; 3 years and 235 days old. # #59233: xserver-svga: Xserver locked up and wouldn't die # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 3 years and= 226 days old. # #59275: xserver-svga: I can't start the server, using a supposedly suppor= ted card. # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Jordi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 3 years and = 226 days old. # #59303: xserver-svga: server freezes # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "M. Robert Tomasch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 3 years and 226 days old. # #59805: xserver-svga: DGA extension broken when using VMWare # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream;= 3 years and 219 days old. # #61147: xserver-mach64: DPMS doesn't turn off laptop backlight # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Michael Neuffer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 199 days old. # #61973: xserver-s3: Xserver cpu burner # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upst= ream; 3 years and 188 days old. # #62857: xserver-svga: [mga] video corruption when switching to console # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; = 3 years and 173 days old. # #63325: xserver-svga: [s3_virge] S3 ViRGE/MX support got worse from 3.3.2= =2E3 to 3.3.6 # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 3 years and 164 d= ays old. # #64839: xserver-vga16: doesn't work with fbcon # Package: xserver-vga16; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 3 = years and 136 days old. # #65168: xmms causes SIGSEGV in XF86_SVGA # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Will Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 3 years = and 130 days old. # #65647: xserver-vga16: not usable with SiS 6326 # Package: xserver-vga16; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstr= eam; 3 years and 120 days old. # #65834: xserver-mach64: modelines other than 1024x768 do not work on Rage= Mobility # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Hugo van der Merwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED] om>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 116 days old. # #66479: xserver-vga16: not usable on Alpha with Elsa Gloria Synergy when = using XF86Setup # Package: xserver-vga16; Reported by: Jens Hoffrichter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>= ; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 105 days old. # #66828: xserver-mach64: visible refresh rate and mouse pointer moving slo= wly; using kernel compiled with fb support # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Javier Macias-Guarasa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 98 days old. # #67119: xserver-3dlabs: "The XVidMode server extension is returning nonse= nse." # Package: xserver-3dlabs; Reported by: Raul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags= : upstream; 3 years and 92 days old. # #67636: xserver-s3v: xmatrix locks X # Package: xserver-s3v; Reported by: Levi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstr= eam; 3 years and 80 days old. # #67661: xserver-svga: libs3v.o is missing # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Jeffery Douglas Waddell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; merged with #67662; 3 years and 80 days old. # #67662: xserver-svga: libs3v.o is missing # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Jeffery Douglas Waddell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; merged with #67661; 3 years and 80 days old. # #68549: xserver-mach64: keyboard unusable # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Kurt Mosiejczuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;= Tags: upstream; 3 years and 69 days old. # #69077: xserver-svga: rage128 server # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Chris Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 60 days old. # #69307: xserver-svga: server crashes # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: ups= tream; 3 years and 56 days old. # #70614: xserver-mach64: can't change keyboard layout # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags= : upstream; 3 years and 42 days old. # #70750: xserver-svga: [mga] killing netscape crashes server on a MGA Mill= enium II # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christoph Dreyer)= ; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 40 days old. # #70804: xserver-mach64: video 'snow' with Latitude CPtS LCD/mobility M1 # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream= ; 3 years and 40 days old. # #70859: xserver-fbdev: does not turn off text acceleration in kernel driv= er when testing modes, causing spurious mode rejection # Package: xserver-fbdev; Reported by: Chris Rutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >; Tags: patch, upstream; 3 years and 38 days old. # #71030: xserver-mach64: X server leaves rectangular droppings with vtwm # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 36 days old. # #71166: xserver-svga: refresh rate mismatch? # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 3= years and 34 days old. # #72040: xserver-svga: [s3v] server hangs (busy loop) with S3 ViRGE card # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream;= 3 years and 23 days old. # #75098: xserver-svga: reports explicit Option "dac_8_bit", not set # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: upstream; 2 = years and 358 days old. # #76395: xserver-svga: [ark] server crash with ARK Logic 1000PV # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Radovan Garabik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 340 days old. # #76433: xserver-svga: [cirrus] using cirrus gd5465 locks up computer # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: frank mori hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED] =2Eedu>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 339 days old. # #77322: xserver-svga: "leaks memory" (submitter doesn't understand ps out= put) # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Ian Eure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 2 years = and 328 days old. # #78075: xserver-mach64: X server not working at all on Fujitsu Lifebook C # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Denis Medvedev <[EMAIL PROTECTED] net>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 319 days old. # #78305: xserver-mach64: LCD sync problem on Vaio PCG-F809K # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Geert Uytterhoeven <Geert.Uytterhoe= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: patch, upstream; 2 years and 317 days old. # #79293: xserver-mach64: XFree86-VidModeExtension is broken # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Boris Gjenero <[EMAIL PROTECTED] a>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 305 days old. # #84137: xserver-svga: crashes # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: A Mennucc1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; T= ags: upstream; 2 years and 255 days old. # #85287: xserver-svga: cannot start server # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Jes=FAs Carrete Monta=F1a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 246 days old. # #85586: xserver-s3: configuring xserver-s3 should take finite time # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: Kai Henningsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: moreinfo; 2 years and 243 days old. # #86454: xserver-svga: using DPMS can crash system # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tags: moreinfo= , upstream; 2 years and 236 days old. # #88642: xserver-mach64: server periodically hangs on ATI Mach64 CT # Package: xserver-mach64; Reported by: Hans Peter Verne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 221 days old. # #88957: xserver-svga: [neo] Dell Latitude CS and Latitude CSx with NeoMag= ic MagicMedia 256ZX chipset require undocumented configuration option # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Michael Bilow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags:= patch, upstream; 2 years and 218 days old. # #99935: xserver-svga: [i810] Intel 82810e graphics controller not support= ed # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Gonzalez Jorge-QJG005 <Jorge.F.Gonzal= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 126 days old. # #104478: xserver-svga: server dies when mozilla renders a large font # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Nick Moffitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: u= pstream; 2 years and 91 days old. # #106534: xserver-svga: ddd makes server crash # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Etienne Favey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: po= tato, upstream; 2 years and 79 days old. # #108204: xserver-svga: server crashes # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "Debian User,,," <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: moreinfo, potato, upstream; 2 years and 63 days old. # #111800: xserver-svga: plaympeg crashes X # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: Mark Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >; Tags: upstream; 2 years and 33 days old. # #123833: xfree86v3: uses obsolete, superseded version of BSD license # Package: xfree86v3; Reported by: Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1= year and 303 days old. # #130010: xlib6: application segfaults when DISPLAY is not on local machine # Package: xlib6; Reported by: Duncan Sands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; = 1 year and 265 days old. # #133792: Catalan translation of templates. # Package: xfree86v3; Reported by: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >; 1 year and 241 days old. # #134531: xlib6: /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/bin/imake segfault under fakeroot ... # Package: xlib6; Reported by: Timshel Knoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1 year a= nd 236 days old. # #135965: Italian translation of debconf templates # Package: xfree86v3; Reported by: "Matteo Dell'Amico" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 1 = year and 227 days old. # #136138: xfree86v3: Russian debconf template translations for xserver # Package: xfree86v3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ilgiz Kalmetev); 1= year and 226 days old. # #138127: updated Italian templates # Package: xserver-common-v3; Reported by: "Matteo Dell'Amico" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] =2Eit>; 1 year and 213 days old. # #140822: ghostscript crashes X 3.3.6-11potato # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: "John E. Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>= ; Tags: moreinfo; 1 year and 194 days old. # #191885: Corrupted fonts for S3 (Trio32) video card # Package: xserver-svga; Reported by: David Lawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 161 day= s old. # #206832: xlib6-altdev: xpm library and dev stuff missing # Package: xlib6-altdev; Reported by: "Francesco P. Lovergine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 50 days old. # #208982: Number Nine 9FX otion 531 clock freqs # Package: xserver-s3; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Georg Schwarz); 36 days = old. # #18470: xserver-i128: documentation claims the server is not accelerated,= but it is # Package: xserver-i128; Severity: minor; Reported by: Randy Gobbel <gobbel=>; Tags: upstream; 5 years and 234 days old. # #35109: xserver-svga: FreeFontPath refcount error needs to be explained # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: minor; Reported by: Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 201 days old. # #42533: xserver-common-v3: [README.Config] server uses last, not first, m= atching mode in Monitor section # Package: xserver-common-v3; Severity: minor; Reported by: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 4 years and 68 days old. # #64790: xserver-svga: server tells user to run "gdb X core" # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: minor; Reported by: Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 138 days old. # #23587: xserver-svga: perhaps compile servers with -ffast-math # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Francisco Moya Fe= rnandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 5 years and 119 days old. # #31514: xserver-svga: including an fbdev driver for SVGA server # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Adam Heath <doogi= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: patch, upstream; 4 years and 280 days old. # #71023: xfree86v3: /dev/fb/ and /dev/misc/psaux support desired # Package: xfree86v3; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 36 days old. # #71753: xserver-svga: "WAIT_ACL: timeout." when using server with VGA fra= mebuffer # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Norbert Tretkowsk= i <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 27 days old. # #72345: xserver-svga: please add devfs support # Package: xserver-svga; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Wichert Akkerman = <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: upstream; 3 years and 18 days old. # #203527: xfree86v3: Please switch to gettext-based debconf templates # Package: xfree86v3; Severity: wishlist; Reported by: Christian Perrier <b= [EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Tags: patch; 74 days old. --=20 G. Branden Robinson | A celibate clergy is an especially Debian GNU/Linux | good idea, because it tends to [EMAIL PROTECTED] | suppress any hereditary propensity | toward fanaticism. -- Carl Sagan --nhAUiXSLan16V5i8 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc" Content-Description: Digital signature Content-Disposition: inline -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAj+J0WYACgkQ6kxmHytGonzBFgCdF5aTaVorrOcp+QIv7jxizsAG DHcAoI8MsF8MyvX2CqenVe1YoX+NFD3z =YLyv -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --nhAUiXSLan16V5i8--