Author: branden
Date: 2003-08-24 00:12:03 -0500 (Sun, 24 Aug 2003)
New Revision: 428

debian/changelog: add bug-closer for #206524

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog      2003-08-24 04:40:23 UTC (rev 427)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog      2003-08-24 05:12:03 UTC (rev 428)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
   * debian/xserver-{common,xfree86} rework migration logic:
     - create the configuration file auxiliary directory /var/lib/xfree86
       on all installs and upgrades if it doesn't already exist
+      (Closes: #206524)
     - don't throw a warning if the path to the auxiliary directory exists but
       is not a directory; assume local admin cleverness
     - don't migrate a configuration file if its debconf region markers have

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