Hi all
I'm helping to the linux wacom project to make wacom drivers available for debian stable.
I'm not and expert in debian packages,so i've the next problem.
I need the x-includes of the X source, this can be done with:
$ ./configure --enable-mkxincludes \
   --enable-wacomdrv \
You get a  x-includes.tar.gz file.
The problem is that the X source tree for debian hasn't a configure script, i don't know how it make the makefiles, i supose that uses their custom scripts, but why can i obtain this includes??.

Un saludo

Pablo Giménez Pizarro
La única lucha que se pierde es la que se abandona.
(Mujeres de la Plaza de Mayo)
Albion 3.0 Project: www.albion30.net

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