On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 07:27:37AM +0200, Sven Luther wrote:
> On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 09:55:06PM -0400, Olivier Dragon wrote:
> >  - Is the infamous KDE logout bug found in ds4 fixed in 4.3.0pre1v1? I
> >    can't seem to connect to penguinppc.org.
> Could you check if this bug is also present in upstream (you would need
> to build 4.3.0 from source). If so, please describe the bug to me (i am
> no KDE user though), and if it is not fixed in the current upstream CVS
> head, i will have a try at hunting it.

Take a look at this
and ask Daniel :o) He has a patch for it it seems. I just wanted to make
sure it was in before I tried pre1v1 because I don't like having my
system hard lock.


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 / Oli Dragon    [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
/  Sfwr Eng IV   (  McMaster University  \
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