Hi there. I recently switched my keyboard layout from us to us_intl, as I need accents (previously, I used accents on Emacs only, but that was too limiting).
The problem that I see is that whenever I press a dead-key (like tilde), the only keys that generate a symbol after that are the letters that should be accented. This is more limiting than what I would expect, since the combination ~/ is quite common for shells, for instance (but not only this combination). Emacs' own iso-accents-mode does what I would like to achieve (that is, generates a double char sequence after I type 't), instead of eating both characters. :-( So, is there any way to achieve what I want? I already looked at /usr/lib/X11/xkb/symbols/us_intl with the intention of modifying it, but the file left me the impression that the X server can not generate two characters after one keypress. Is that correct? What is the appropriate way to change the behaviour to be what I want? Thanks in advance, Roger... P.S.: Please let me know if I'm asking the wrong place; also please CC me on replies. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogério Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=