On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 09:02:26AM +0200, Sven Luther scrawled:
> On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 01:45:55PM +1000, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > Well, the maintainer dist-upgrades and gets 4.3.
> He will get an immediate bug report from the autobuilders :)))
> I believe that the way to go on this, not only in this case, is to send
> source only packages to the archive, and have everything autobuilt.

[replying because this isn't about XFree86 anymore, but development

This would have the effect of ensuring that uploaded packages are never
tested. Packages should be built in an sbuild environment with no
sources other than the official sources, and tested before upload.

> > Why would there be an increased potential? You need to be incredibly
> > clueful and dedicated to jump in anyway ...
> And how do you get clue-full, by waking one morning with a illumination
> or whatever, or by following the mails of the one actually knowledgeable
> enough. Sure, some will only lurk, but even if we get 1 more developper,
> then it is already helpfull.

Well, you also need a hell of a lot of dedication to work on XFree86. If
people want to get involved, they should download the source package,
see how it works and get a feel for it, then start helping out through
the BTS.

Daniel Stone                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Developer, Trinity College, University of Melbourne

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