On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 01:45:55PM +1000, Daniel Stone wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 02:25:45AM +0200, Michel D?nzer scrawled:
> > On Fre, 2003-04-04 at 00:57, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > > *sigh*. Imagine this.
> > > 
> > > Qt has a compile-time ./configure check for Xrandr. If it finds it, it
> > > enables a few Xrandr related features, and links with Xrandr.
> > > 
> > > Qt gets built with 4.3 and uploaded. Now you have to have 4.3 to run any
> > > Qt app.
> > 
> > Why would Qt (or anything, for that matter) be built against 4.3? If that
> > happens, it's either for experimental as well, or the uploader(s) will get
> > bugs about it and should learn to use tools like pbuilder.
> Well, the maintainer dist-upgrades and gets 4.3.

He will get an immediate bug report from the autobuilders :)))

I believe that the way to go on this, not only in this case, is to send
source only packages to the archive, and have everything autobuilt.

> The scenario was for 4.3 being in sid, and 4.2 becoming second-class. I
> certainly do all of my builds within sbuild, and encourage others to do
> the same.
> > > So it's more work for all of us, for no advantage?
> > 
> > If the increased potential for people to jump in doesn't count as an
> > advantage...
> Why would there be an increased potential? You need to be incredibly
> clueful and dedicated to jump in anyway ...

And how do you get clue-full, by waking one morning with a illumination
or whatever, or by following the mails of the one actually knowledgeable
enough. Sure, some will only lurk, but even if we get 1 more developper,
then it is already helpfull.


Sven Luther

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