I do maintain a backport of the 4.2.1-4 packages for woody [1].

Christopher Huhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked me to include a fix for a bug he 
observes when using these packages together with a backported KDE 3.1. 
The discussion of the bug is at [2].

The culprit is the following part of 000_stolen_from_HEAD_xlib.diff 
(the problem is still present in 4.2.1-6pre7v2):

--- xc/lib/X11/lcPrTxt.c        28 Oct 2001 03:32:35 -0000      1.7
+++ xc/lib/X11/lcPrTxt.c        3 Jun 2002 22:36:00 -0000       1.8
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
  * Author: Katsuhisa Yano      TOSHIBA Corp.
  *                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-/* $XFree86: xc/lib/X11/lcPrTxt.c,v 1.7 2001/10/28 03:32:35 tsi Exp $ */
+/* $XFree86: xc/lib/X11/lcPrTxt.c,v 1.8 2002/06/03 22:36:00 dawes Exp $ */
 #include "Xlibint.h"
 #include "XlcPubI.h"
@@ -148,8 +148,7 @@
        return XConverterNotFound;
     if (is_wide_char) {
-       buf_len = text_prop->nitems + 1;
-       buf = (XPointer) Xmalloc(buf_len * sizeof(wchar_t));
+       buf_len = (text_prop->nitems + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);;
     } else {
        if (strcmp(to_type, XlcNUtf8String) == 0)
            buf_len = text_prop->nitems * 6 + 1;
@@ -157,6 +156,7 @@
            buf_len = text_prop->nitems * XLC_PUBLIC(lcd, mb_cur_max) + 1;
        buf = (XPointer) Xmalloc(buf_len);
+    buf = (XPointer) Xmalloc(buf_len);
     if (buf == NULL)
        return XNoMemory;
     to = buf;

The memory leak intruduced is pretty obvious.

The suggested solution in [2] is:

--- xc/lib/X11/lcPrTxt.c.sav    2002-06-04 00:36:00.000000000 +0200
+++ xc/lib/X11/lcPrTxt.c        2003-03-13 12:59:07.000000000 +0100
@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ _XTextPropertyToTextList(
            buf_len = text_prop->nitems * 6 + 1;
            buf_len = text_prop->nitems * XLC_PUBLIC(lcd, mb_cur_max) + 1;
-       buf = (XPointer) Xmalloc(buf_len);
     buf = (XPointer) Xmalloc(buf_len);
     if (buf == NULL)

Please include this fix in 2.4.1-7.


BTW1: The ";;" in 000_stolen_from_HEAD_xlib.diff looks strange but it
      should be harmless.
BTW2: Please Cc me on replies.

[1] http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/packages/
[2] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55417


       "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out
        of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days.
       "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
                                       Pearl S. Buck - Dragon Seed

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