On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 03:02:34PM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> On Don, 2003-02-06 at 06:05, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > It appears to be meaningful to the upstream developers of Mesa!
> Sure, so isn't it funny that the current actual Mesa packages aren't
> called mesag5*?

Not really.  First of all, the "g" can be dropped with the first library
rename.  The "g" is a holdover from the libc5->glibc transition and can
be safely kicked to the curb at this point.

Secondly, I have argued that it's the package maintainer's discretion to
communicate (or not) version information in the package name where the
soversion isn't particularly meaningful (which is rare, but relevant
here since we're dealing with a standardized library).

Marcelo exercised his discretion to not call the package libmesa5 or
mesa5.  Doesn't bother me in the least.

> Anyway, we're discussing the xlibmesa packages here, and you're still
> dodging the question how it's meaningful for those.

I'm not dodging it at all.  xlibmesa3 is called xlibmesa3 because:

1) it's XFree86's version of the Mesa libraries (hence the "x");
2) it's the Mesa library (hence the "libmesa"); and
3) it's version 3.x of the Mesa library (hence the "3").

Why is that difficult to comprehend?  I'd be happy to spell this out
much more explicitly in the package description.  In fact I probably
should, since the number used in the package name isn't the shared
object version.  If your only real complaint is that you find the latter
fact distasteful, please say so.

> > > Well, I am trying to get work done, with packages that have a
> > > relationship to those in question, and I think it's unnecessarily
> > > hard, for no good reason.
> > 
> > What's hard about it?
> It breaks every time the name changes.

What does it break?  Anything that provides the standardized libGL.so.1
object should have a shlibs file that says

libGL  1  packagename | libgl1

per current practice between Marcelo and myself, and eventual Debian

G. Branden Robinson                |     Reality is what refuses to go away
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     when I stop believing in it.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     -- Philip K. Dick
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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