On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 18:41:35 -0400
Mike Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an Indy (MIPS R4600SC) that dies when I run xdm....
> There is a known bug that causes xdm to Oops the 2.4.X kernels. I would
> like to know if there is something I can do to help locate the cause of
> this problem. I understand a decoded Oops is what is needed. Can anyone
> point me in the right direction to what I need to read and understand in
> order to do this. I know it's probably a Huge task, way beyond my
> abilities, but thats what make it a challenge! And if I fail miserably -
> you can say "I told you so!"
> Thanks!
> Mike Martin
> mike . martin @ cogeco . ca

I ran the crash screen dump through ksymoops ... can this help?:

ksymoops 2.4.6 on mips 2.4.17-r4k-ip22.  Options used
     -V (default)
     -k /proc/ksyms (default)
     -l /proc/modules (default)
     -o /lib/modules/2.4.17-r4k-ip22/ (default)
     -m /boot/System.map-2.4.17-r4k-ip22 (default)

Warning: You did not tell me where to find symbol information.  I will
assume that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running
right now and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc.  ksymoops -h explains the options.

$0 : 00000000 1000cc01 00000001 00000000 881e8760 8aac4000 00000001 1000cc00
$8 : 00000000 07200720 07200720 07200720 07200720 00000000 8821d5e0 07200720
$16: 88192310 00000121 8a4c4328 8a4c83e8 00000001 881d98c0 00000000 1000d6c8
$24: 00000000 00000007                   8a4c4000 8a4c42f0 00000001 88006984
epc  : 8800697c    Not tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-tradbigmips -a mips:3000
Status: 1000cc03
Cause : 00004000
Process XXXXX (pid: -2011230548, stackpage=8a4c4000)
Stack: 8816ff54 8aac4000 00000001 1000cc00 00004000 00000121 8a4c4410 880c534c
       00000001 88207f1f 00000ae8 ffffffff 880c5d90 880c5d40 8801eae8 881e8780
       00000001 0000000a 0000000a 0000003e 00000000 1000cc01 00000001 00000000
       881e8760 8aac4000 00000001 1000cc00 00000000 07200720 07200720 07200720
       07200720 00000000 8821d5e0 07200720 88192310 00000121 8a4c4410 8a4c83e8
       00000001 ...
Call Trace: [<8816ff54>] [<880c534c>] [<880c5d90>] [<880c5d40>] [<8801eae8>] 
 [<88006984>] [<8800697c>] [<8816ff54>] [<880c534c>] [<880c5d90>] [<880c5d40>]
 [<8801eae8>] [<88192310>] [<88006984>] [<8800697c>] [<8816ff54>] [<880c534c>]
 [<880c5d90>] [<880c5d40>] [<8801eae8>] [<88192310>] [<88006984>] [<8800697c>]
 [<8816ff54>] [<880c534c>] [<880c5d90>] [<880c5d40>] [<8801eae8>] [<88192310>]
 [<88006984>] [<8800697c>] [<8816ff54>] [<880c534c>] [<880c5d90>] [<880c5d40>]
 [<8801eae8>] [<88192310>] [<88006984>] [<8800697c>] [<8816ff54>] ...
Warning (Oops_trace_line): garbage '...' at end of trace line ignored
Code: 3421001f  3821001e  40816000 <0e00891a> 2404000b 27bdffe8  afbf0010  
8ca200a8  24030010

>>$4; 881e8760 <log_wait+0/c>
>>$5; 8aac4000 <_end+28a4a40/37dffaa0>
>>$14; 8821d5e0 <font_data+0/fc>
>>$16; 88192310 <table+540/f1c>
>>$18; 8a4c4328 <_end+22a4d68/37dffaa0>
>>$19; 8a4c83e8 <_end+22a8e28/37dffaa0>
>>$21; 881d98c0 <softirq_vec+0/100>
>>$28; 8a4c4000 <_end+22a4a40/37dffaa0>
>>$29; 8a4c42f0 <_end+22a4d30/37dffaa0>
>>$31; 88006984 <__die_if_kernel+0/2c>

>>PC;  8800697c <__die+ac/b4>   <=====

Trace; 8816ff54 <get_system_type+e94/1904>
Trace; 880c534c <indy_buserror_irq+4c/50>
Trace; 880c5d90 <indyIRQ+150/180>
Trace; 880c5d40 <indyIRQ+100/180>
Trace; 8801eae8 <_call_console_drivers+6c/7c>
Trace; 88192310 <table+540/f1c>
Trace; 88006984 <__die_if_kernel+0/2c>
Trace; 8800697c <__die+ac/b4>
Trace; 8816ff54 <get_system_type+e94/1904>
Trace; 880c534c <indy_buserror_irq+4c/50>
Trace; 880c5d90 <indyIRQ+150/180>
Trace; 880c5d40 <indyIRQ+100/180>
Trace; 8801eae8 <_call_console_drivers+6c/7c>
Trace; 88192310 <table+540/f1c>
Trace; 88006984 <__die_if_kernel+0/2c>
Trace; 8800697c <__die+ac/b4>
Trace; 8816ff54 <get_system_type+e94/1904>
Trace; 880c534c <indy_buserror_irq+4c/50>
Trace; 880c5d90 <indyIRQ+150/180>
Trace; 880c5d40 <indyIRQ+100/180>
Trace; 8801eae8 <_call_console_drivers+6c/7c>
Trace; 88192310 <table+540/f1c>
Trace; 88006984 <__die_if_kernel+0/2c>
Trace; 8800697c <__die+ac/b4>
Trace; 8816ff54 <get_system_type+e94/1904>
Trace; 880c534c <indy_buserror_irq+4c/50>
Trace; 880c5d90 <indyIRQ+150/180>
Trace; 880c5d40 <indyIRQ+100/180>
Trace; 8801eae8 <_call_console_drivers+6c/7c>
Trace; 88192310 <table+540/f1c>
Trace; 88006984 <__die_if_kernel+0/2c>
Trace; 8800697c <__die+ac/b4>
Trace; 8816ff54 <get_system_type+e94/1904>
Trace; 880c534c <indy_buserror_irq+4c/50>
Trace; 880c5d90 <indyIRQ+150/180>
Trace; 880c5d40 <indyIRQ+100/180>
Trace; 8801eae8 <_call_console_drivers+6c/7c>
Trace; 88192310 <table+540/f1c>
Trace; 88006984 <__die_if_kernel+0/2c>
Trace; 8800697c <__die+ac/b4>
Trace; 8816ff54 <get_system_type+e94/1904>

Code;  88006970 <__die+a0/b4>
00000000 <_PC>:
Code;  88006970 <__die+a0/b4>
   0:   3421001f  ori     at,at,0x1f
Code;  88006974 <__die+a4/b4>
   4:   3821001e  xori    at,at,0x1e
Code;  88006978 <__die+a8/b4>
   8:   40816000  mtc0    at,$12
Code;  8800697c <__die+ac/b4>   <=====
   c:   0e00891a  jal     8022468 <_PC+0x8022468> 90028dd8 
<_end+7e09818/37dffaa0>   <=====
Code;  88006980 <__die+b0/b4>
  10:   2404000b  li      a0,11
Code;  88006984 <__die_if_kernel+0/2c>
  14:   27bdffe8  addiu   sp,sp,-24
Code;  88006988 <__die_if_kernel+4/2c>
  18:   afbf0010  sw      ra,16(sp)
Code;  8800698c <__die_if_kernel+8/2c>
  1c:   8ca200a8  lw      v0,168(a1)
Code;  88006990 <__die_if_kernel+c/2c>
  20:   24030010  li      v1,16

2 warnings issued.  Results may not be reliable.

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