On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 11:57:37PM +0200, Ascension Lazaro Sanchez wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to configure my sound card (a sound blaster live) running modconf and
> using the driver Emu 10K1. THe configuration program said that the sound card
> was configured correctly but when I played mp3blaster I realised that the 
> music
> sounded only by 3 speakers and I have 4 (sound blaster 4 point surround). Does
> anyone know any better driver for my sound card or maybe it is a problem from
> the program (I don't think so).
You can try ALSA, or ask on debian-user, because this list is dedicated
to X Window Systemin Debian, and not Linux in general.

>                 Thanks,
>                                             Carlos Sanz

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