Gotta re-send this. This university mail server is possibly a little misconfigured...
----- Forwarded message from Mail Delivery System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----- <SNIP> [EMAIL PROTECTED] unrouteable mail domain "" unrouteable mail domain "" <SNIP> I somehow doubt that... <SNIP everything... rewriting.> ----- End forwarded message ----- Hey, thanks a lot everyone! It's working now. (Not as fast as I had hoped it would, but maybe the next release of the drivers...) Hugo van der Merwe -- To send me private (non-world-readable) mail, GPG encrypt it. 1024D/60715698: 5F2E 8EC2 E0A4 5D25 0569 F281 4A6C D76D 6071 5698
Description: PGP signature