Why can't you just use 4.0.2 with the drivers which are available at
http://www.matrox.com/mga/support/drivers/files/linux_05.cfm.  I'm afraid
the closest I have is a G400 running with 4.0.2, but as far as I understand
from the aforementioned web page, your G450 should just work in 4.0.2 with
those drivers.  What am I missing?

On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 02:36:54PM -0500, Stuart Ballard wrote:
> As anyone following the "BYOX" thread will be aware, I've just
> successfully built xserver debs for XFree I had two reasons
> for wanting to do this: firstly I wanted G450 support without having to
> use FBDev, and secondly because I hoped it might be possible to get 3D
> acceleration.

charl p. botha      | computer graphics and cad/cam 
http://cpbotha.net/ | http://www.cg.its.tudelft.nl/

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