Kevin, all,

>   I've put another test version of the driver up on the page above. 
> Robert, Drew, if one of you would run this and post the log I'd
> appreciate it.  I doubt it will work any better than the 1.6.4 version
> (you don't need to test with any debug options) but it will print out
> enough info to tell me where the real problem is.

I've posted another log at . No change this
time, it ran, but with the same problems (sluggish pointer, flickering
background, broken console on exit). Also, after some runs the pointer
would remain visible on the console.

> After testing it, it might be interesting to try the following:  Make


>         SubSection "Display"
>                 Depth     16
>                 Modes   "800x600"
>         EndSubSection
> For this case, I'm primarily interested in testing the mode that XFree86
> detects in your log, so if the log file indicates something different
> than your standard LCD panel size on the following line, let me know.

I've added two logs, one for my LCD size (1024x768), and one for
800x600. I found that both ran allright (apart from the above problems),
but after exiting from 800x600,the console display was completely blank
except for the pointer. The keyboard still responded, so I was able to


Robert Norris                                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1024D/FC18E6C2        6FBF 098A A3F2 A728 490F  7743 59BD 7767 FC18 E6C2

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