On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 09:02:13PM +0000, Jules Bean wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've recently built, and am now using, an XFree86 build from DRI CVS.
> This greatly improves 3D performance on my card (a voodoo3).

I've been watching this and other threads like it in hopes that something 
useful would come out.  I have a few ideas about how it /might/ be done, but I 
haven't tested them (not enough hours in the day *sigh*).
> Of course, it's a bit annoying running X out of /usr/local, so... how
> hard would it be to build debian packages from it?  I understand that
> the X packages are fairly complex :-) 

Indeed it is annoying.  The first thing that comes to mind is simply checking 
out the CVS source, then getting the debian/ directory out of the current 
xserver-xfree86 source package, moving it over, and attempting to build an 
xserver-dri package that way

> Alternatively, does Branden ever fold in DRI versions into his
> packages? How long would I be in this unpackaged state before my local 
> sid mirror had up-to-date packages?

It would probably be more practical for someone who isn't as tied up as 
Branden, and knows more about dpkg than myself, to create and contribute such a 
package, probably best named xserver-dri or xserver-dri-date or 
xserver-dri-cvs.  Any takers? ;)

-=|JP|=-    "This space intentionally left blank."
Jon Pennington          | Debian 2.4                 -o)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Auto Enthusiast            /\\
Kansas City, MO, USA    | Proud Husband and Father  _\_V

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