> Great!  What kind of console are you running?  Is it a text or graphical
> console (vesafb or other)?

vesafb mostly, but I've been running all the tests in both, just to see
if it makes a difference. It hasn't.

> Option "pci_burst"
> Does that help?

No change.

> I've also put up another test version at
> http://www.user1.netcarrier.com/~kbrosius/virge.html.  Try it without
> the pci_burst option if you still have trouble.  Let me know if anything
> changes.

No change, with and without pci_burst. I've put the logfile from this
run up at http://nauseum.org/x4-virge/ , though nothing in it really
stood out as being different.

> If that doesn't help I'll have to dig a little deeper.

That'd be great .. let me know what you come up with.


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