
I tried branden robinson's XFree86 4.0.2 packages and it seems to fix all 
the quirks I was suffering on my powermac 7600/132 using the framebuffer 
device. I'm very  glad this works since I can at last use the fbdevhw 

However, I suffer a strange problem: the X server dies whenever the screen 
goes in ernergy economy mode wether I desactivate dpms or not.
There no much of an error message, no core, no nothing.

Has someone encountered this ?

(I'm running a powermac 7600/132 with 128 Mo RAM under linux 2.2.18 and 
debian sid)

                                        Frédéric Séraphine
        Tel: 476 61 53 85       -       Fax: 476 61 52 07
        INRIA Rhone-Alpes - ZIRST - 655 Avenue de l'Europe - Montbonnot
        38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

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