Have you tried one of $ X -query otherhost $ X -broadcast $ X -indirect otherhost
or $ man Xserver | sed -n -e '288,340p' XDMCP OPTIONS X servers that support XDMCP have the following options. See the X Display Manager Control Protocol specification for more information. -query host-name Enable XDMCP and send Query packets to the speci fied host. -broadcast Enable XDMCP and broadcast BroadcastQuery packets to the network. The first responding display man ager will be chosen for the session. -indirect host-name Enable XDMCP and send IndirectQuery packets to the specified host. -port port-num Use an alternate port number for XDMCP packets. Must be specified before any -query, -broadcast or -indirect options. -class display-class XDMCP has an additional display qualifier used in resource lookup for display-specific options. This option sets that value, by default it is "MIT-Unspecified" (not a very useful value). -cookie xdm-auth-bits When testing XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1, a private key is shared between the server and the manager. This option sets the value of that private data (not that it is very private, being on the command line!). X Version 11 Release 6.3 5 XSERVER(1) XSERVER(1) -displayID display-id Yet another XDMCP specific value, this one allows the display manager to identify each display so that it can locate the shared key. $ Regards, /Karl ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Karl Hammar Aspö Data [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lilla Aspö 2340 +46 173 140 57 Networks S-742 94 Östhammar +46 70 511 97 84 Computers Sweden Consulting ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alexander Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Prepackaged indirected X terminal Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:30:46 -0800 > I know how to have xdm use the indirect and chooser features > to work with external X terminals and determine where they go. > Works great, but it leaves me with a simple question ... > > Is there a clean way to specify that the locally managed > display should be indirected (like a terminal would be) > for the option of attaching it elsewhere instead of locally ? > I can do it by disabling it in xdm and putting a line in the > inittab, but the authentication stuff is a pain and I'm > assuming there must be a better way of setting it all up. > > Separately to that, the X traffic of a remoted display > is not normally encrypted. Sometimes that is important. > Is there a clean way to have that local X display make its > connection to the remote machine using (for example) ssh -X ? > I know how to do it manually, with some extra scripting, > but I was hoping that there was something packaged for this. > > Alex. > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]