* Robert Braddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001114 20:40]: > http://www.concordant-thought.com/personal/robert/relay//x-troubles
Robert, I have a few suggestions; I do not expect any of them to actually work, but what they hey, rebooting fixes machines more often than we care to admit. :) Ok, first, try uncommenting the misc fontpath -- many programs require fonts found in misc, I think, and maybe this will fix the problem. Second idea -- try setting your mouse protocol to something specific. Third idea -- try removing the gamma and dpms options from your monitor. Fourth idea -- try one or the other of SWcursor or HWcursor. Fifth idea -- try uncommenting PciRetry. Sixth idea -- try uncommenting MGASDRAM. Seventh idea -- try uncommenting Overlay. Eighth idea -- try uncommenting SetMclk. Ninth idea -- do you really have four megs of RAM on this board? Tenth idea -- the log file mentions the machine hasn't mtrr support. Perhaps this needs to be enabled in your kernel? As I said, none of them are great. But hopefully one (or more :) of them will do the job. :) -- ``Oh Lord; Ooh you are so big; So absolutely huge; Gosh we're all really impressed down here, I can tell you.''