----- Forwarded message from Bradley M Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Bradley M Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: XFree 4.0.1 debs
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 16:36:46 -0500
User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Hi Branden,

First of all, excellent job on the XFree 4.x debs. I upgraded to them last
week because apt tried to install 3.3.6 overtop of the 4.0.0 that I

Got a question for you regarding the debs. Brian Almeida (who sat next to
me at work until about half an hour ago) suggested I get in touch with you
if I couldn't track it down.

I'm running woody on a machine with the following config:

Dual PIII/500
Matrox G200/8MB at 1:0:0
Matrox Millenium II/4MB at 0:18:0
Dual Sony Trinitron G500 21" monitors
XFree86 4.0.1-0phase2v30 debs

Before you started cutting .debs, I ended up getting XFree86 4.0.0 and
compiling from source. things worked fine, including Xinerama.

When I rebuilt the box and installed the .debs of 4.0.1, I started having a
problem with the dual heads. I created a bunch of double-sized backgrounds
for X by pasting two regular images together. I noticed after I got back up
and running that the root window, desktop 0 in enlightenment wasn't
behaving right. Instead of having different pictures on each monitor, I had
the same one on both. Other desktops were behaving normally. I thought this
might be a problem with Enlightenment, but then, as I got the machine
configured to my liking, I noticed that the image I was using for my xdm
login (which was a normal-sized image that xinerama was stretching to fit
the two desktops) was doing the same thing. The left half of the stretched
image was displayed on the xdm login.

I wanted to email you directly since you are the most knowledgeable about
things X in the entire Project, plus I didn't want to file a bug report
since it is entirely likely that I could have something misconfigured or
did something stupid. If you need any more information, please let me know.

Anything you can suggest?

Thanks man,
Bradley M. Alexander, CISSP              |   Co-Chairman,
Beowulf System Admin/Security Specialist |    NoVALUG/DCLUG Security SIG
Winstar Telecom                          |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(703) 889-1049                           |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sushi? Where I'm from, we call this stuff "bait."
                                        --Terry Bradshaw

----- End forwarded message -----

G. Branden Robinson            |     Communism is just one step on the long
Debian GNU/Linux               |     road from capitalism to capitalism.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |     -- Russian saying
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |

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