On Tue, Oct 31, 2000 at 12:38:05PM -0300, Carlos Barros wrote:
> Hello!
>       Im looking for info about making X works with i810
>       AFAIK XF86_SVGA has drivers, but require agpgart module. Im using
> 2.2.18pre-17 and the xserver says:
> (--) SVGA: error doing ioctl(GARTIOCINFO): invalid argument
> I did mknod /dev/agpgart c 10 175
> The server couldn't identify the board. It says:
>  Intel Unknown chipset (0x7125) rev 3, Memory @ 0xf8000000, 0xfea80000
> Where can I found more info?

You can find more info at <http://www.debian.org/~branden>; however:

The AGPGART interface has changed in recent Linux kernels to be compatible
with the one used in XFree86 4.x.  However, this is incompatible with the
AGPGART interface used in XFree86 3.x!

You have two options:

1) Upgrade to the beta XFree86 4.x packages at the URL above
2) Downgrade your kernel to 2.2.17

G. Branden Robinson            |        "To be is to do"   -- Plato
Debian GNU/Linux               |        "To do is to be"   -- Aristotle
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |        "Do be do be do"   -- Sinatra
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |

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