On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 01:06:23PM +0200, Ralf HECKHAUSEN wrote: > > I installed Debian 2.2 on an AlphaStation 255/233 and everythings > works fine, but I cannot get X run. XF86Setup without using the > XF86Config file switches to graphics mode but the screen is > scambled. It looks as if 8 subsequent bytes in the video memory are > filled with the same contents. SuperProbe returns S3 Trio64 with > 2MB video memory. If I use the S3 server with this video card > selected, the machine hangs.
At one time, there was a problem (X 3.3.x hanging the machine) encountered most frequently on the AS2xx machines equipped with a Trio64 card. The problem was worked around by inserting (IIRC): Option "no_pci_disconnect" into the "Device" section of the XF86Config file. Good luck, hope this helps... --Jay++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jay A Estabrook Alpha Engineering - LINUX Project Compaq Computer Corp. - MRO1-2/K20 (508) 467-2080 200 Forest Street, Marlboro MA 01752 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------