On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 10:27:55AM +0200, Sven LUTHER wrote:
> Ok, about the X server, but will we maintain two sets of libraries also, or go
> with the 4.0.1 ones ?

Just the 4.0.1 ones.

> Also how did you solve the XF86Config conflict ? since 4.x a,d 3.x XF86Config
> files are not compatible.

The XF86Config file is not a conffile.  Read the XF86Config 4.x manpage,
and you'll see there is no conflict.

> Sure, ... bad wording perhaps, but i did think more about changing app-default
> location and other similar stuff, since in the long run, the apps should
> install it in the new location, you will have to fix the 3.3.6 server to use
> the new location,

Uh.  Remember, the X Window System is network-transparent.  The X server
itself does not read or deal with app-defaults files in any way.

What exactly do you do as a developer for XFree86, again?  You seem to have
difficulty with a few really fundamental concepts of its operation.

> that is the 3.3.6 xfree-common should do the same trick as
> the 4.0.1 one ?

That is not necessary.

> I thought 4.0.1 moved to X11R6.4, did only 1 library change version number
> when going from X11R6.3 to X11R6.4 ?

Looks that way.

> I confirm, i run most X clients on a hand installed 4.0.1+ server, without
> major problems. Like said the only problems encountered where with the xterm
> color stuff when i didn't do a full XF4 install and some keymap problems (well
> surely because default 4.x XF86Config came with a japanese keyboard
> configuration, and i didn't spot it :((()

Well, there are lots of possible ways things can go wrong.  What you
describe doesn't sound like a server problem to me.

> where can i get your brand new XF4 packages ? i would like to download them
> tommorow, build and try them out in my offline home box, and then report back
> to you about it.

Well, before you do that, please read /usr/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz and
get your head around the differences between the X server, X clients, and X
libraries; your mails are not telling me you have them quite figured out,
and I need testers who can do better than say "it's broken", but who can
make a reasonable guess as to why.  To do that, you have to understand a
little bit about how X works.

G. Branden Robinson             |    Communism is just one step on the long
Debian GNU/Linux                |    road from capitalism to capitalism.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    -- Russian saying
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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