On Thu, Dec 02, 1999 at 11:05:42PM +0200, Tommi Virtanen wrote:
>       Hi. I'm seeing packages using priorities of
>         20, 40 and 50 for different wm's. Is there some
>         logic? I recall seeing something about supporting
>         menus, etc..

Nothing formal yet.  How about this:

Start with a base priority of 20.
If the wm supports the Debian menu system, make it 40.
If the wm supports starting a different window manager, make it 50.  (The
Debian menu system provides this option if your package supports it and if
you wrote its menu file correctly.)


G. Branden Robinson            |       If you have the slightest bit of
Debian GNU/Linux               |       intellectual integrity you cannot
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         |       support the government.
roger.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |       -- anonymous

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