On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Branden Robinson wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 07:53:00PM +0200, Hartmut Koptein wrote:
> > No, 3.3.5 is also broken:
> Damn.
> I'd like to hear how m68k fares.
In principle, it compiles fine. All my patches seem to have gone in, thanks
Branden, just a few small problems are left:

arch detection:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/build/xfree86/xfree86-1-3.3.5>./debian/rules environment
Package build environment (not all variables may be set):
$(ARCH) is m68k
$(BUILD_ARCH) is m68k
$(ARCH_MAP) is m68k
$(L6FLAGS) is -DLinuxCLibMajorVersion=6 -DLinuxCLibMinorVersion=1
$(L5FLAGS) is -DLinuxCLibMajorVersion=5 -DLinuxCLibMinorVersion=4
-DShLibDir=/usr/lib/libc5-compat -DUsrLibDir=/usr/m68k-linuxlibc1/lib
-DBinDir=/usr/m68k-linuxlibc1/bin -DIncRoot=/usr/m68k-linuxlibc1/include
$(DOCOMPAT) is build-old
Required packages for build: gcc flex libc6-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses4-dev
tcl8.0-dev tk8.0-dev lynx findutils altgcc libc5-altdev

Branden, if you want to check this yourself and experiment where it fails,
just swap m68k and i386 in rules, ie pretend that i386 needs the ohter glibc
and youll notice just the same problem.
I still propose that you go back to your concept for arch
detection/glibc settings, IIRC 
  if($ARCH==m68k) LinuxCLibMinorVersion=0
that one worked fine.

building xfree-3.3.5 went fine (after I hacked ClibMinor to 0), but the
create-compat* scripts are still not called:
 dpkg-genchanges: error: package xlib6-altdev in control file but not in files 
I could create them by hand, they are somehow forgotten in debian/rules.

I could install the packages, was asked nicely about XF86Config, mouse and
Xmodmap contains entries for m68k/Amiga. so far everything looks ok. Now I
am rebuilding the whole thing with gcc272 instead of gcc-2.95, I get the
same messages I allready posted here, some bug in gcc or xfree, I dont know,
xfree-3.3.4 works when compiled with gcc272.


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