On Mon, Sep 13, 1999 at 05:30:38PM +0900, Changwoo Ryu wrote:
> > *) Type 1 fonts should go in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1.
> What about the truetype fonts, though it's not supported by Xfree86
> yet ?

I'll address that when they become relevant to the version of XFree86 I
package.  I'd really like to see what upstream is going to do.

> > *) The creation and usage of other font directories under
> >    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts is discouraged.  (The PEX and cyrillic
> >    directories are "grandfathered" in because they are part of the X
> >    distribution.)
> We can consider about the case of gsfonts-x11.  Ghostscript's type1
> fonts can be shared by ghostscript and X11.  (I really like this type
> of sharings.)  There seems to be no way for gsfonts-x11 to meet your
> proposal.

I don't see why not.  You could ship a bunch of symlinks from
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/* to wherever gsfonts-x11 keeps them.

BTW, if Type1 fonts like this are truly sharable, I don't see much point in
naming the package "gsfonts-x11", but maybe that's just me.  If I get
started ranting on people's illogical and inconsistent package names, I'll
never stop.  And we've all seen how gracefully dpkg handles package renames

I'll clarify the proposal that symlinks are acceptable as long as
/usr/X11R6/lib/fonts/ is not otherwise cluttered with directories.

G. Branden Robinson              |   "There is no gravity in space."
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   "Then how could astronauts walk around
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |   on the Moon?"
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |   "Because they were wearing heavy boots."

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