Hey guys, I just subscribed to this list so please tell me if I'm asking
this in the wrong place.

I'm an avid Voodoo3 user and am dying to see deb packages for the 3dfx
Xserver found at http://glide.xxedgexx.com/3DfxRPMS_vb_glibc.html

Currently there are only RPM packages for this server, since I'm dying to
get away from RedHat (this is the only reason I still use RedHat) I thought
I would ask if anyone knows of a site carrying deb packages for this xserver
or if there are any intentions to include this xserver in potatoe.

RedHat doesnt include this xserver in their distro, however SuSE does.

I dont know much about converting these to debian packages, I tried to use
Alien to do it but I had no luck. Alien just screwed it up. I know I could
build these buy hand but I thought I would take my chances with you guys.

Thanks for your time


"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes.
That way, when you do criticize them, you'll be a mile away
and you'll have their shoes."

Todd Martin

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