On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 09:35:44AM +0100, Roman Beigelbeck wrote:
> Does the latest DEBs of XFree (current version in unstable
> is 4.1.0-9pre10v5)

The version in unstable is 4.1.0-9.  That people don't understand what
4.1.0-9pre10v5 is influences me to not make these builds available

> contain the patches for "ATI Mobility Radeon" support?

I'm not sure what you're talking about, so probably not.

> I guess not because I found no information about that in the
> changelog file(s). :-(

If it isn't mentioned in the changelog file, it probably isn't there.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    into this .signature file.
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