Package: Severity: normal User: Usertags: scripts X-Debbugs-CC:
Hi all, Adriano and I were searching why some po files haven't been listed on brazilian status pages for po-debonf [1] and for regular po [2] (in this case, the files are not listed on the first table) and we found this: On [3] there is an If, and the last part ($team eq "debian-l10n-$LanguageList{$lang} at lists dot debian dot org") is comparing $team with "debian-l10n-portuguese at lists dot debian dot org". But some of our po files have breaking lines on the address, like these: "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <debian-l10n-" ">\n" or "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <debian-l10n-portuguese@lists.debian." "org>\n" So, the "eq" is not matching because the $team variable hasn't the full address of team mailing list address. We can change "Brazilian Portuguese" for other name from now on, but we have the issue with the po files already updated. Could someone help to improve the code for $team variable get the line after the break line, or any other idea for the comparison part? [1] [2] [3] Best regards, ----- Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls) Belo Horizonte - Brasil Debian Developer Associado do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres Site: GPG ID: 0443C450