Severity: important

I would like to remove the debian-www list from the footer, since it
tends to attract off-topic mails about things other than the Debian
website from people who email the first address they find.

It would be better if those mails would be directed to the right place
in the first place, so that debian-www readers don't have to redirect
the user support requests to debian-user, package issues to bugs etc.

I believe that the existing Debian contact page does a reasonable job
of directing people to the right place for their query. There is
certainly room for improvement (for eg it partially duplicates the
support page but doesn't link to it) but that can happen in a new bug.

I suggest we replace this text:

   To report a problem with the web site, please e-mail our publicly
   archived mailing list in English.
   For other contact information, see the Debian contact page.

With text similar to this:

   Getting in contact with Debian is documented on our contact page.

I haven't been able to come up with any good text that doesn't seem
repetitive, so I am hoping someone else can come up with it, or perhaps
we should discuss this on the debian-l10n-english mailing list.


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