I have for all long time been annoyed by the fact that "The universal
operating system" underneath the Debian logo is in English and in the
image, and because of this non-translatable - so now I have started to
work out what needs to be done to translate it.

I have found that I can update the css for Swedish and point the image
to a translated version of the image.

This, however, is harder than I thought - I found

but there the text is in "paths" and not as text, so this makes it way

Is there a version of the image in SVG with the text as real text, and
not as paths? I am a bit of a noob when it comes to inkscape, so there
might be a way to convert it back to text, if there is, please tell me

Otherwise, someone might simply know what font should be used for the
"The universal operating system" text?

Help would be much appreciated!

/Greets from Bullseye (Yaaay!)
-- Andreas Rönnquist

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