On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 23:22:44 +0100
Andreas Ronnquist <mailingli...@gusnan.se> wrote:

>On Sun, 24 Mar 2019 16:01:27 +0100,
>gus...@debian.org<gus...@debian.org> wrote:
>>Unfortunately this seems like it isn't enough - I have translated the
>>string for Swedish, but still the message is presented in English.
>>(See the link above to see for yourself).
>>Converted to a bug-report, to easier track.
>>As said, I don't see this as a pressing matter, and I fully understand
>>if it is lower on priority-lists.
>>thanks for all your work!  
>I have made a Merge request for a fix for this in Salsa:
>I would appreciate tests of the fix before I (or you) apply it to the
>webwml repo. (It doesn't include any translations or updated
>pot/po-files, this will be needed to test).

This is now merged and fixed on the website - Thanks Laura for the
test and commit.

(Closing the bug.)

best regards
/Andreas Rönnquist

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