Hello Sebul

El 31/07/18 a las 20:24, sebul escribió:
> Hello.
> I think this is not only Korean translation.
> Help me please.

There are two new paragraphs corresponding to a new company in /partners
section. Those paragraph included links with reserved chars, and
validation complained with the errors you sent.

This has been fixed with this commit:


and the language templates (i.e., the file /english/po/partners.pot) has
been updated, but every language team needs to update their templates as
well (and translate the paragraphs or unfuzzy).

In your terminal, please go to the folder


and run

make update-po

then translate/update/review partners.ko.po and commit the changes.

That should fix the issue and you shouldn't get those "general entity
"utm_XXX" not defined and no default entity" errors.


> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *Debian Webmaster* <webmas...@debian.org
> <mailto:webmas...@debian.org>>
> Date: 2018년 7월 29일 (일) 01:19
> Subject: Validation failed
> To: Hyun-Gwan Seo <westpo...@gmail.com <mailto:westpo...@gmail.com>>,
> Sebul <seb...@gmail.com <mailto:seb...@gmail.com>>
> *** Errors validating /srv/www.debian.org/www/partners/index.ko.html
> <http://www.debian.org/www/partners/index.ko.html>: ***
> Line 62, character 11:  value of attribute "ID" invalid: "1" cannot start a
>         name
> Line 232, character 70:  general entity "utm_source" not defined and no
>         default entity
> Line 232, character 80:  reference to entity "utm_source" for which no
>         system identifier could be generated
> Line 232, character 99:  general entity "utm_medium" not defined and no
>         default entity
> Line 232, character 109:  reference to entity "utm_medium" for which no
>         system identifier could be generated
> Line 237, character 79:  reference to entity "utm_source" for which no
>         system identifier could be generated
> Line 237, character 105:  reference to entity "utm_medium" for which no
>         system identifier could be generated
> --
>  You received this mail for the language code ko.
>  Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this is not
> accurate
>  Please also update webwml/english/devel/website/ with the new
> coordinator(s) data

Laura Arjona Reina

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