I think this is not only Korean translation.
Help me please.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Debian Webmaster <webmas...@debian.org>
Date: 2018년 7월 29일 (일) 01:19
Subject: Validation failed
To: Hyun-Gwan Seo <westpo...@gmail.com>, Sebul <seb...@gmail.com>

*** Errors validating /srv/www.debian.org/www/partners/index.ko.html: ***
Line 62, character 11:  value of attribute "ID" invalid: "1" cannot start a
Line 232, character 70:  general entity "utm_source" not defined and no
        default entity
Line 232, character 80:  reference to entity "utm_source" for which no
        system identifier could be generated
Line 232, character 99:  general entity "utm_medium" not defined and no
        default entity
Line 232, character 109:  reference to entity "utm_medium" for which no
        system identifier could be generated
Line 237, character 79:  reference to entity "utm_source" for which no
        system identifier could be generated
Line 237, character 105:  reference to entity "utm_medium" for which no
        system identifier could be generated

 You received this mail for the language code ko.
 Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this is not
 Please also update webwml/english/devel/website/ with the new
coordinator(s) data

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