Hello, I would like to be added to the Who uses Debian list, belows is the information: 1. Name of Organization: EL Chanate, GarryRicketsonArtworks, Margaritomachado, Dgo, Mx. 3. Organaziation type: Non-profit, retired artist 4: Home page link: http://www.elchanate.org/
5: Description: My first dedicated server, using Debian Wheezy as the OS, also have 1 main workstation at home, and 5 sub-stations on laptops. I use Debian on all of them. I do some translations for a Christian newspaper, usein Debian, and Scribus, also helping local students with learning to use linux, installing to their laptops, etc. I use Debian because it is very user freindly and reliable, Also it is easily customized to fit my needs. Thank you from Garry Ricketson