Hello there,

here is the required information for adding our group to "Who's using Debian?":

1. Organization name:
Parallel Processing Group, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece

2. Organization type:

3. Home page link

4. Debian usage:
We maintain 2 servers (apache2, dokuwiki, owncloud, gitolite) and Debian was chosen because of stability and timely security updates. We also maintain 6 workstations, a couple of laptops and a custom 24-core machine which we use for development and experiments. These run various compilers (GCC, Intel, Oracle Suncc), debuggers/analyzers (Intel vtune) and development-related tools (autotools, flex, bison). All are Debian-based for stability first (we always use STABLE) and for uniform administration.

Best regards,

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Ioannina
P.O. Box 1186, Ioannina, GR-45110 Greece

Office: +30-265100-8809
Fax:    +30-265100-8899
E-mail: dim...@cse.uoi.gr
WWW:    http://www.cse.uoi.gr/~dimako

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