On Thu, 25 Apr 2013 10:26:05 +0300
Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mi, 24 apr 13, 12:31:31, Victor Nițu wrote:
> > 
> > If you want to discuss the technicalities of the mirror and decisions
> > behind it, we should move it to -mirrors and continue there, as it may
> > be an interesting debate for more people than in -publicity. Otherwise
> > I'll believe you are unhappy with the wording, which incorrectly
> > suggests this being *the* mirror for Romania, which is not true, indeed.
> Before being unhappy with anything I try to make sure I got the right 
> interpretation, hence the question.

Well, excuse me for being distracted by all the mirror-related
questions :-)

> Here is *a* proposed rewording:
> Description: We use Debian GNU/Linux on all our servers including web,        
> mail, file server, backup and on routers where we run BGP, forward and        
> firewall rules. We are also hosting a Debian mirror and the                   
> debian.org.ro community.
> We chose Debian GNU/Linux because of its stability, package
> management and easy methods for services configuration and debugging.

Perfect! I have nothing against using this variant.

> The wording of your entry is on-topic for -www

I agree with you, but you email looked more like "hey, what's with that
mirror of yours" and less like a wording problem. Excuse me for being
defensive, but you described *no* wording issues or even any word
related to "wording" in your last email.

Shall I re-prepare the patch now, or there is something else I should
take care of in the paragraph?

> Sorry for forgetting my standard P.S. for -www ("I assumed you are not 
> subscribed, hence the CC") though.

I am thinking since yesterday about customizing Mailman a bit, in order
to avoid such often situations. So far, my only workable idea was to
have it send an extra string in signature or headers, if the sender is
subscribed, so one can easily see if sender is subscribed or not when
replying. Rough idea, work in progress...

. o .   Victor Nițu
. . o   debian.org.ro
o o o   nightsh @OFTC

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