1. The Mare & Foal Sanctuary 2. Non-profit 3. /http://www.mareandfoal.org/ 4. We use Debian on 12 servers and it runs our organisation. Debian is stable, free and well supporter. We run in-house email, intranet, cctv, file sharing and all the usual office/support systems. Debian is the only logical choice, and I trust those involved not to steal my information or compromise our systems. We have saved many tens of thousands of pounds through this choice and given our users very good uptimes and reliability to boot.
- Re: Who's using Debian? Kaare Olsen
- Who's using Debian? Aaron Moon
- Re: Who's using Debian? Kaare Olsen
- Who's using Debian? Gunche
- Re: Who's using Debian? Kåre Thor Olsen
- Who's using Debian? noisy patient
- Re: Who's using Debian? Paul Wise
- Re: Who's using Debian? Kåre Thor Olsen
- Who's using Debian? Carlos Ribas
- Re: Who's using Debian? Kåre Thor Olsen
- Who's using Debian? Simon Avery
- Re: Who's using Debian? Paul Wise
- Re: Who's using Debian? Victor Nițu
- Re: Who's using Debian? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Who's using Debian? Victor Nițu
- Re: Who's using Debian? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Who's using Debian? Victor Nițu
- Re: Who's using Debian? Andrei POPESCU
- Re: Who's using Debian? Kåre Thor Olsen
- Who's using Debian? J Hall
- Who's using Debian? Michael Misirlis