Am Montag, den 16.06.2008, 23:03 +0300 schrieb Tommi Vainikainen:
> "Oz Nahum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What about the design and the layout of the page ? I did some work on the
> > CSS file.
> > It's not enough to just translate the strings of text. The Layout of the
> > page has to be a liltte bit different.
> I don't know if you know any Arabic, but I guess that CSS stuff can be
> mostly copied from Arabic if it is only left-to-right versus
> right-to-left issue.

 - that's the way arabic does it.

> Please note that some template stuff is translated with gettext (".po"
> files). It seems that this gettext usage is one thing that is not
> documented on the website, but if you have translated any software, it
> should be very easy to do this.

<> -> "How
do we keep the gettext template translations up to date?"

 Or do you mean more general working hints with po files?

 So long,

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